Paul A. Johnson
Paul A. Johnson
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Machine learning for data-driven discovery in solid Earth geoscience
KJ Bergen, PA Johnson, MV de Hoop, GC Beroza
Science 363 (6433), eaau0323, 2019
Nonlinear mesoscopic elasticity: Evidence for a new class of materials
RA Guyer, PA Johnson
Physics today 52 (4), 30-36, 1999
Nonlinear elastic wave spectroscopy (NEWS) techniques to discern material damage, part I: nonlinear wave modulation spectroscopy (NWMS)
KEA Van Den Abeele, PA Johnson, A Sutin
Journal of Research in Nondestructive Evaluation 12 (1), 17-30, 2000
Dynamic nonlinear elasticity in geomaterials
LA Ostrovsky, PA Johnson
La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento 24 (7), 1-46, 2001
Nonlinear elastic wave spectroscopy (NEWS) techniques to discern material damage, Part II: Single-mode nonlinear resonance acoustic spectroscopy
KEA Van Den Abeele, J Carmeliet, JA Ten Cate, PA Johnson
Journal of Research in Nondestructive Evaluation 12 (1), 31-42, 2000
Elastic-wave stimulation of oil production: A review of methods and results
IA Beresnev, PA Johnson
Geophysics 59 (6), 1000-1017, 1994
Nonlinear dynamics, granular media and dynamic earthquake triggering
PA Johnson, X Jia
Nature 437 (7060), 871-874, 2005
Machine learning predicts laboratory earthquakes
B Rouet‐Leduc, C Hulbert, N Lubbers, K Barros, CJ Humphreys, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (18), 9276-9282, 2017
Micro-damage diagnostics using nonlinear elastic wave spectroscopy (NEWS)
KEA Van Den Abeele, A Sutin, J Carmeliet, PA Johnson
Ndt & E International 34 (4), 239-248, 2001
Nonlinear mesoscopic elasticity: the complex behaviour of rocks, soil, concrete
RA Guyer, PA Johnson
John Wiley & Sons, 2009
Nonlinear ground-motion amplification by sediments during the 1994 Northridge earthquake
EH Field, PA Johnson, IA Beresnev, Y Zeng
Nature 390 (6660), 599-602, 1997
Slow dynamics and anomalous nonlinear fast dynamics in diverse solids
P Johnson, A Sutin
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 117 (1), 124-130, 2005
Resonance and elastic nonlinear phenomena in rock
PA Johnson, B Zinszner, PNJ Rasolofosaon
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 101 (B5), 11553-11564, 1996
Nonlinear elasticity and stress‐induced anisotropy in rock
PA Johnson, PNJ Rasolofosaon
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 101 (B2), 3113-3124, 1996
Effects of acoustic waves on stick–slip in granular media and implications for earthquakes
PA Johnson, H Savage, M Knuth, J Gomberg, C Marone
Nature 451 (7174), 57-60, 2008
Applying nonlinear resonant ultrasound spectroscopy to improving thermal damage assessment in concrete
C Payan, V Garnier, J Moysan, PA Johnson
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 121 (4), EL125-EL130, 2007
On the quasi-analytic treatment of hysteretic nonlinear response in elastic wave propagation
KEA Van Den Abeele, PA Johnson, RA Guyer, KR McCall
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 101 (4), 1885-1898, 1997
Nonlinear resonant ultrasound spectroscopy (NRUS) applied to damage assessment in bone
M Muller, A Sutin, R Guyer, M Talmant, P Laugier, PA Johnson
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 118 (6), 3946-3952, 2005
Determination of third order elastic constants in a complex solid applying coda wave interferometry
C Payan, V Garnier, J Moysan, PA Johnson
Applied Physics Letters 94 (1), 2009
Observations of nonlinear elastic wave behavior in sandstone
GD Meegan Jr, PA Johnson, RA Guyer, KR McCall
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 94 (6), 3387-3391, 1993
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