Sylvain Rampacek
Sylvain Rampacek
Maître de Conférences, Université de Bourgogne, LIB (EA 7534)
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Modelling Web Services Interoperability.
S Haddad, T Melliti, P Moreaux, S Rampacek
ICEIS (4), 287-295, 2004
Formal modelling and discrete-time analysis of BPEL web services
R Mateescu, S Rampacek
International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling 4 (3-4), 183-194, 2008
Verifying correctness of web services choreography
M Tarek, C Boutrous-Saab, S Rampacek
2006 European Conference on Web Services (ECOWS'06), 306-318, 2006
Sémantique, interactions et langages de description des services web complexes
S Rampacek
Doctorate dissertation, University of Reims ChampagneArdenne, 2006
An integrated framework for web services orchestration
CB Saab, D Coulibaly, S Haddad, T Melliti, P Moreaux, S Rampacek
Innovations, Standards and Practices of Web Services: Emerging Research …, 2012
Client Synthesis for Web Services by Way of a Timed Semantics.
S Haddad, P Moreaux, S Rampacek
ICEIS (4), 19-26, 2006
Temporal logic to query semantic graphs using the model checking method
M Gueffaz, S Rampacek, C Nicolle
Journal of Software 7 (7), http://www. ojs. academypublisher. com/index. php …, 2012
Inconsistency identification in dynamic ontologies based on model checking
M Gueffaz, P Pittet, S Rampacek, C Cruz, C Nicolle
The 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies …, 2012
A dense time semantics for Web services specifications languages
S Haddad, T Melliti, P Moreaux, S Rampacek
Proceedings. 2004 International Conference on Information and Communication …, 2004
Extending SPARQL with temporal logic
R Mateescu, S Meriot, S Rampacek
RDF2NμSMV: Mapping Semantic Graphs to NμSMV Model Checker
M Gueffaz, S Rampacek, C Nicolle
International Conference on Advances in Future Internet (AFIN 2011), 5, 2011
SCALESEM-Evaluation of Semantic Graph based on Model Checking
M Gueffaz, S Rampacek, C Nicolle
International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies 2, 395-398, 2011
Rdf2spin: Mapping semantic graphs to spin model checker
M Gueffaz, S Rampacek, C Nicolle
Digital Information and Communication Technology and Its Applications …, 2011
A formal semantics and a client synthesis for a BPEL service
S Haddad, P Moreaux, S Rampacek
Enterprise Information Systems: 8th International Conference, ICEIS 2006 …, 2008
Qualifying semantic graphs using model checking
M Gueffaz, S Rampacek, C Nicolle
2011 International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology, 276-281, 2011
A New Approach Based on NμSMV Model to Query Semantic Graph
M Gueffaz, S Rampacek, C Nicolle
Digital Information Processing and Communications: International Conference …, 2011
ScaleSem Approach to Check and to Query Semantic Graphs
M Gueffaz, S Rampacek, C Nicolle
Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition, 7301-7309, 2015
Mapping SPARQL Query to temporal logic query based on NμSMV Model Checker to Query Semantic Graphs
M Gueffaz, S Rampacek, C Nicolle
International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications …, 2012
Mapping SPARQL Query to temporal logic query based on NμSMV Model Checker to Query Semantic Graphs
M Gueffaz, S Rampacek, C Nicolle
International journal of digital information and wireless communications …, 2012
Qualification de graphes sémantiques à l'aide du Model Checking
M Gueffaz, S Rampacek, C Nicolle
17eme Forum des jeunes chercheurs (FJC 2011), 2011
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Articles 1–20