Shahram Khazaie
Shahram Khazaie
Nantes Université - Laboratoire GeM
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Cited by
Linear approximation of underwater sound speed profile: precision analysis in direct and inverse problems
X Wang, S Khazaie, X Chen
Applied Acoustics 140, 63-73, 2018
Shallow water sound source localization using the iterative beamforming method in an image framework
X Wang, S Khazaie, L Margheri, P Sagaut
Journal of Sound and Vibration 395, 354-370, 2017
Influence of the spatial correlation structure of an elastic random medium on its scattering properties
S Khazaie, R Cottereau, D Clouteau
Journal of Sound and Vibration 370, 132-148, 2016
Sound-source localization in range-dependent shallow-water environments using a four-layer model
X Wang, S Khazaie, D Komatitsch, P Sagaut
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 44 (1), 220-228, 2017
Localization of random acoustic sources in an inhomogeneous medium
S Khazaie, X Wang, P Sagaut
Journal of Sound and Vibration 384, 75-93, 2016
Sound source localization in a randomly inhomogeneous medium using matched statistical moment method
X Wang, S Khazaie, P Sagaut
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138 (6), 3896-3906, 2015
Uncertainty quantification for acoustic wave propagation in a shallow water environment
S Khazaie, X Wang, D Komatitsch, P Sagaut
Wave Motion 91, 102390, 2019
Numerical observation of the equipartition regime in a 3D random elastic medium, and discussion of the limiting parameters
S Khazaie, R Cottereau, D Clouteau
Computers & Geosciences 102, 56-67, 2017
Numerical modeling of the hygro-mechanical behavior of the 3D composite materials
MA Mbacké, S Khazaie, S Fréour, F Jacquemin
Journal of Composite Materials 54 (28), 4457-4471, 2020
Influence of the mechanical and geometrical parameters on the cellular uptake of nanoparticles: A stochastic approach
S Iaquinta, S Khazaie, É Ishow, C Blanquart, S Fréour, F Jacquemin
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 38 (6 …, 2022
Influence of the statistical parameters of a random heterogeneous medium on elastic wave scattering: theoretical and numerical approaches
S Khazaie
Ecole Centrale Paris, 2015
On the statistical behavior of homogenized properties and ultrasonic phase velocities in random polycrystals
N Sheng, S Khazaie, M Chevreuil, S Fréour
International Journal of Solids and Structures 285, 112531, 2023
Statistical properties of effective elastic moduli of random cubic polycrystals
N Sheng, S Khazaie, M Chevreuil, S Fréour
Mechanics & Industry 24, 33, 2023
Accounting for the mechanical response of the cell membrane during the uptake of random nanoparticles
S Iaquinta, S Khazaie, F Jacquemin, S Fréour
Journal of Theoretical, Computational and Applied Mechanics, 2024
Influence of local cubic anisotropy on the transition towards an equipartition regime in a 3D texture-less random elastic medium
S Khazaie, R Cottereau
Wave Motion 96, 102574, 2020
PREPRINT Machine Learning for the Sensitivity Analysis of a Model of the Cellular Uptake of Nanoparticles for the Treatment of Cancer
S Iaquinta, S Khazaie, S Albanna, S Fréour, F Jacquemin
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 40 (12 …, 2024
Machine learning for the sensitivity analysis of a model of the cellular uptake of nanoparticles for the treatment of cancer
S Iaquinta, S Khazaie, S Albanna, S Fréour, F Jacquemin
Phase velocity statistics in random textured polycrystals
S Khazaie, N Sheng, M Chevreuil, S Fréour
16ème colloque national en calcul des structures, 2024
Review of" Accounting for the adaptation of cell membrane adhesion during the uptake of random nanoparticles"
S Iaquinta, S Khazaie, S Fréour, F Jacquemin, A Pandolfi
Journal of Theoretical, Computational and Applied Mechanics, 2024
Sensitivity analysis applied to a model of the adaptative cellular uptake of nanoparticles
S Iaquinta, S Khazaie, S Fréour, E Ishow, C Blanquart, F Jacquemin
25e Congrès Français de Mécanique,, 2022
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Articles 1–20