Karim Baghery
Karim Baghery
Postdoc at COSIC, KU Leuven
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A Subversion-Resistant SNARK
B Abdolmaleki, K Baghery, H Lipmaa, M Zając
Asiacrypt 2017, International Conference on the Theory and Application of …, 2017
Another look at extraction and randomization of Groth’s zk-SNARK
K Baghery, M Kohlweiss, J Siim, M Volkhov
FC 2021, International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data …, 2021
Simulation extractable versions of Groth’s zk-SNARK revisited
K Baghery, Z Pindado, C Rāfols
CANS 2020, Cryptology and Network Security: 19th International Conference …, 2020
UC-Secure CRS Generation for SNARKs
B Abdolmaleki, K Baghery, H Lipmaa, J Siim
AFRICACRYPT 2019: 11th International Conference on Cryptology in Africa …, 2019
Traceability analysis of recent RFID authentication protocols
SM Alavi, K Baghery, B Abdolmaleki, MR Aref
Wireless Personal Communications 83 (3), 1663-1682, 2015
Simulation extractability in Groth’s zk-SNARK
S Atapoor, K Baghery
CBT@ESORICS 2019: Data Privacy Management, Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain …, 2019
On the efficiency of privacy-preserving smart contract systems
K Baghery
AFRICACRYPT 2019: 11th International Conference on Cryptology in Africa …, 2019
Subversion-resistant simulation (knowledge) sound NIZKs
K Baghery
IMACC 2019, Cryptography and Coding: 17th IMA International Conference …, 2019
Tiramisu: Black-Box Simulation Extractable NIZKs in the Updatable CRS Model
K Baghery, M Sedaghat
CANS 2021, International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security, 531-551, 2021
Security and privacy flaws in a recent authentication protocol for EPC C1 G2 RFID tags
SM Alavi, K Baghery, B Abdolmaleki
Advances in Computer Science: an Int. Journal 3 (5), 44-52, 2014
CSI-SharK: CSI-FiSh with Sharing-friendly Keys
S Atapoor, K Baghery, D Cozzo, R Pedersen
ACISP 2023, Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy, 471-502, 2023
An Isogeny-Based ID Protocol Using Structured Public Keys
K Baghery, D Cozzo, R Pedersen
IMACC 2021, IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding, 179-197, 2021
Attacks and improvements on two new-found RFID authentication protocols
B Abdolmaleki, K Baghery, B Akhbari, MR Aref
IST 2014: 7'th International Symposium on Telecommunications (IST'2014), 895-900, 2014
Verifiable FHE via Lattice-based SNARKs
S Atapoor, K Baghery, HVL Pereira, J Spiessens
IACR Communications in Cryptology 1 (1), 1-28, 2024
VSS from Distributed ZK Proofs and Applications
S Atapoor, K Baghery, D Cozzo, R Pedersen
ASIACRYPT 2023, International Conference on the Theory and Application of …, 2023
DL-extractable UC-commitment schemes
B Abdolmaleki, K Baghery, H Lipmaa, J Siim, M Zając
ACNS 2019, Applied Cryptography and Network Security: 17th International …, 2019
Privacy analysis and improvements of two recent RFID authentication protocols
K Baghery, B Abdolmaleki, B Akhbari, MR Aref
ISCISC 2014, 11th International ISC Conference on Information Security and …, 2014
Practical Robust DKG Protocols for CSIDH
S Atapoor, K Baghery, D Cozzo, R Pedersen
ACNS 2023, International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network …, 2023
Enhancing privacy of recent authentication schemes for low-cost RFID systems
K Baghery, B Abdolmaleki, B Akhbari, MR Aref
The ISC International Journal of Information Security 7 (2), 135-149, 2015
Cryptanalysis of two EPC-based RFID security schemes
B Abdolmaleki, K Baghery, B Akhbari, MR Aref
ISCISC 2015, 12th International ISC Conference on Information Security and …, 2015
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Articles 1–20