Malik Mallem
Malik Mallem
Full Professor in computer science Evry-Paris Saclay University France
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Virtual and augmented reality for cultural computing and heritage: a case study of virtual exploration of underwater archaeological sites (preprint)
M Haydar, D Roussel, M Maïdi, S Otmane, M Mallem
Virtual reality 15, 311-327, 2011
Robust camera pose estimation using 2d fiducials tracking for real-time augmented reality systems
F Ababsa, M Mallem
Proceedings of the 2004 ACM SIGGRAPH international conference on Virtual …, 2004
Active virtual guides as an apparatus for augmented reality based telemanipulation system on the internet
S Otmane, M Mallem, A Kheddar, F Chavand
Proceedings 33rd Annual Simulation Symposium (SS 2000), 185-191, 2000
A performance study for camera pose estimation using visual marker based tracking
M Maidi, JY Didier, F Ababsa, M Mallem
Machine Vision and Applications 21 (3), 365-376, 2010
Real-time tele-operation and tele-walking of humanoid Robot Nao using Kinect Depth Camera
I Almetwally, M Mallem
2013 10th IEEE International Conference on networking, sensing and control …, 2013
AMRA: augmented reality assistance for train maintenance tasks
JY Didier, D Roussel, M Mallem, S Otmane, S Naudet, QC Pham, ...
Workshop Industrial Augmented Reality, 4th ACM/IEEE International Symposium …, 2005
Ariti: an augmented reality interface for teleopeation on the internet
S Otmane, M Mallem, A Kheddar, F Chavand
Advanced Simulation Technologies Conf.(ASTC2000), 254-261, 2000
Human motions and emotions recognition inspired by LMA qualities
I Ajili, M Mallem, JY Didier
The Visual Computer 35 (10), 1411-1426, 2019
FOLLOW-ME: a new 3D interaction technique based on virtual guides and granularity of interaction
N Ouramdane, S Otmane, F Davesne, M Mallem
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM international conference on Virtual reality …, 2006
Comparison between particle filter approach and Kalman filter-based technique for head tracking in augmented reality systems
F Ababsa, M Mallem, D Roussel
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2004. Proceedings …, 2004
Computer-assisted visual perception in teleoperated robotics
M Mallem, F Chavand, E Colle
Robotica 10 (2), 93-103, 1992
Interaction 3D en Réalité Virtuelle-Etat de l'art
N Ouramdane, S Otmane, M Mallem
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information-Série TSI: Technique et …, 2009
A Robust Circular Fiducial Detection Technique and Real-Time 3D Camera Tracking.
F Ababsa, M Mallem
J. Multim. 3 (4), 34-41, 2008
A comprehensive overview of dynamic visual SLAM and deep learning: concepts, methods and challenges
A Beghdadi, M Mallem
Machine Vision and Applications 33 (4), 54, 2022
Hybrid three-dimensional camera pose estimation using particle filter sensor fusion
FE Ababsa, M Mallem
Advanced Robotics 21 (1-2), 165-181, 2007
Human-robot-interfaces based on mixed reality for underwater robot teleoperation
C Domingues, M Essabbah, N Cheaib, S Otmane, A Dinis
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (27), 212-215, 2012
Hybrid camera pose estimation combining square fiducials localization technique and orthogonal iteration algorithm
JY Didier, FE Ababsa, M Mallem
International Journal of Image and Graphics 8 (01), 169-188, 2008
Automatic camera calibration based on robot calibration
M Mallem, M Shaheen, F Chavand
IMTC/99. Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement …, 1999
Augmented Reality: Issues, trends and challenges
M Mallem
2010 2nd International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and …, 2010
Robust camera pose estimation combining 2D/3D points and lines tracking
F Ababsa, M Mallem
2008 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 774-779, 2008
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Articles 1–20