patrice Guillotreau
patrice Guillotreau
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Recent developments in the tuna industry: stocks, fisheries, management, processing, trade and markets
MP Miyake, P Guillotreau, CH Sun, G Ishimura
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2010
The demand for seafood eco-labels in France
F Salladarré, P Guillotreau, Y Perraudeau, MC Monfort
Journal of agricultural & food industrial organization 8 (1), 2010
A decision support tool for response to global change in marine systems: the IMBER‐ADA pT Framework
A Bundy, R Chuenpagdee, SR Cooley, O Defeo, B Glaeser, P Guillotreau, ...
Fish and Fisheries 17 (4), 1183-1193, 2016
Maritime transport in the French economy and its impact on air pollution: An input-output analysis
C Bagoulla, P Guillotreau
Marine Policy 116, 103818, 2020
Detecting asymmetric price transmission with consistent threshold along the fish supply chain
M Simioni, F Gonzales, P Guillotreau, L Le Grel
Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie …, 2013
Vulnerability of small island fishery economies to climate and institutional changes
P Guillotreau, L Campling, J Robinson
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 4 (3), 287-291, 2012
The price effect of expanding fish auction markets
P Guillotreau, R Jiménez-Toribio
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 79 (3), 211-225, 2011
Local, regional and global markets: what drives the tuna fisheries?
P Guillotreau, D Squires, J Sun, GA Compeán
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 27, 909-929, 2017
Fishing tuna around Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) vs free swimming schools: skipper decision and other determining factors
P Guillotreau, F Salladarré, P Dewals, L Dagorn
Fisheries Research 109 (2-3), 234-242, 2011
Global integration of European tuna markets
R Jiménez-Toribio, P Guillotreau, R Mongruel
Progress in Oceanography 86 (1-2), 166-175, 2010
The use of a micro-scale index to identify potential death risk areas due to coastal flood surges: lessons from Storm Xynthia on the French Atlantic coast
A Creach, S Pardo, P Guillotreau, D Mercier
Natural Hazards 77, 1679-1710, 2015
How does the European seafood industry stand after the revolution of salmon farming: An economic analysis of fish prices
P Guillotreau
Marine Policy 28 (3), 227-233, 2004
Food security or economic profitability? Projecting the effects of climate and socioeconomic changes on global skipjack tuna fisheries under three management strategies
S Dueri, P Guillotreau, R Jiménez-Toribio, R Oliveros-Ramos, L Bopp, ...
Global environmental change 41, 1-12, 2016
The effect of buyers and sellers on fish market prices
L Gobillon, FC Wolff, P Guillotreau
European Review of Agricultural Economics 44 (1), 149-176, 2017
Price–Cost Margins and Structural Change: Sub‐Contracting within the Salmon Marketing Chain
P Guillotreau, LL Grel, M Simioni
Review of Development Economics 9 (4), 581-597, 2005
Biological, socio-economic, and administrative opportunities and challenges to moving aquaculture offshore for small French oyster-farming companies
L Barillé, A Le Bris, P Goulletquer, Y Thomas, P Glize, F Kane, L Falconer, ...
Aquaculture 521, 735045, 2020
Impacts of climate variability on the tuna economy of Seychelles
J Robinson, P Guillotreau, R Jiménez-Toribio, F Lantz, L Nadzon, ...
Climate Research 43 (3), 149-162, 2010
A future for marine fisheries in Europe (Manifesto of the Association Française d’Halieumétrie)
D Gascuel, N Bez, A Forest, P Guillotreau, F Laloe, J Lobry, S Mahevas, ...
Fisheries Research 109 (1), 1-6, 2011
A comparative appraisal of the resilience of marine social-ecological systems to mass mortalities of bivalves
P Guillotreau, EH Allison, A Bundy, SR Cooley, O Defeo, V Le Bihan, ...
Ecology and Society 22 (1), 2017
Risk perception and risk management strategies of oyster farmers
V Le Bihan, S Pardo, P Guillotreau
Marine Resource Economics 28 (3), 285-304, 2013
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