Albert Zeufack
Cited by
Cited by
Credit constraints in manufacturing enterprises in Africa
A Bigsten, P Collier, S Dercon, M Fafchamps, B Gauthier, JW Gunning, ...
Journal of African Economies 12 (1), 104-125, 2003
Do African manufacturing firms learn from exporting?
A Bigsten, P Collier, S Dercon, M Fafchamps, B Gauthier, ...
Journal of development studies 40 (3), 115-141, 2004
Rates of return on physical and human capital in Africa's manufacturing sector
A Bigsten, A Isaksson, M Söderbom, P Collier, A Zeufack, S Dercon, ...
Economic Development and Cultural Change 48 (4), 801-827, 2000
Contract flexibility and dispute resolution in African manufacturing
A Bigsten, P Collier, S Dercon, M Fafchamps, B Gauthier, JW Gunning, ...
The Journal of Development Studies 36 (4), 1-37, 2000
Learning to export: Evidence from Moroccan manufacturing
M Fafchamps, S El Hamine, A Zeufack
Journal of African Economies 17 (2), 305-355, 2008
Investment in Africa's manufacturing sector: A four country panel data analysis
A Bigsten, P Collier, S Dercon, B Gauthier, JW Gunning, A Isaksson, ...
Oxford bulletin of economics and statistics 61 (4), 489-512, 1999
Exports and firm-level efficiency in African manufacturing
A Bigsten, P Collier, S Dercon, M Fafchamps, B Gauthier, JW Gunning, ...
CSAE Publishing, 2000
Exports of African manufactures: macro policy and firm behaviour
A Bigsten, P Collier, S Dercon, M Fafcharnps, B Gauthier, ...
Journal of International Trade & Economic Development 8 (1), 53-71, 1999
Governance and oil revenues in Cameroon
B Gauthier, A Zeufack
Plundered nations, 27-78, 2011
Labor productivity growth and industrialization in Africa
M McMillan, A Zeufack
Journal of Economic Perspectives 36 (1), 3-32, 2022
Africa's Pulse, No. 21, Spring 2020: An Analysis of Issues Shaping Africa’s Economic Future
AG Zeufack, C Calderon, G Kambou, CZ Djiofack, M Kubota, V Korman, ...
World Bank, Washington, DC, 2020
Cities, People & the Economy
H Kharas, A Zeufack, H Majeed
A Study on Positioning Penang. A collaborative research between Khazanah …, 2010
Market access, supplier access, and Africa's manufactured exports: an analysis of the role of geography and institutions
I Elbadawi, T Mengistae
World Bank Publications, 2006
Industrialization in Sub-Saharan Africa: seizing opportunities in global value chains
KG Abreha, W Kassa, EKK Lartey, TA Mengistae, AG Zeufack
World Bank Publications, 2021
Risk sharing in labor markets
A Bigsten, P Collier, S Dercon, M Fafchamps, B Gauthier, JW Gunning, ...
The World Bank Economic Review 17 (3), 349-366, 2003
Market access, supplier access, and Africa's manufactured exports: A firm level analysis
I Elbadawi, T Mengistae, A Zeufack
J. Int. Trade & Economic Development 15 (4), 493-523, 2006
Assessing COVID-19’s economic impact in sub-Saharan Africa: Insights from a CGE model
CZ Djiofack, H Dudu, AG Zeufack
COVID-19 in developing economies 53, 2020
Manufacturing in structural change in Africa
P Nguimkeu, A Zeufack
World Development 177, 106542, 2024
Borrow with sorrow? The changing risk profile of sub-Saharan Africa's debt
C Calderón, A Zeufack
The Changing Risk Profile of Sub-Saharan Africa's Debt (January 30, 2020 …, 2020
Exports and firm-level efficiency in the African manufacturing sector
A Bigsten, P Collier, S Dercon, B Gauthier, J Gunning, A Isaksson, ...
University of Montreal, 1997
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Articles 1–20