Michael Twidale
Michael Twidale
Professor, School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois
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A framework for information quality assessment
B Stvilia, L Gasser, MB Twidale, LC Smith
Journal of the American society for information science and technology 58 …, 2007
Information quality work organization in Wikipedia
B Stvilia, MB Twidale, LC Smith, L Gasser
Journal of the American society for information science and technology 59 (6 …, 2008
Information quality in a community-based encyclopedia
B Stvilia, MB Twidale, L Gasser, LC Smith
Knowledge Management: Nurturing Culture, Innovation, and Technology, 101-113, 2005
Browsing is a collaborative process
MB Twidale, DM Nichols, CD Paice
Information Processing & Management 33 (6), 761-783, 1997
The Usability of Open Source Software
DM Nichols, MB Twidale
First Monday 8 (1), 2003
Ethnomethodologically informed ethnography and information system design
A Crabtree, DM Nichols, J O'Brien, M Rouncefield, MB Twidale
Journal of the American Society for Information Science 51 (7), 666-682, 2000
Integrating ethnography into the requirements engineering process
I Sommerville, T Rodden, P Sawyer, R Bentley, M Twidale
[1993] Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Requirements …, 1993
Situated evaluation for cooperative systems
M Twidale, D Randall, R Bentley
Proceedings of the 1994 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative …, 1994
Information quality discussions in Wikipedia
B Stvilia, MB Twidale, L Gasser, LC Smith
Proceedings of the 2005 international conference on knowledge management …, 2005
Resolving incommensurable debates: a preliminary identification of persona kinds, attributes, and characteristics
IR Floyd, MB Twidale, MC Jones
Artifact: Journal of Design Practice 2 (1), 12-26, 2008
Over the shoulder learning: supporting brief informal learning
MB Twidale
Computer supported cooperative work (CSCW) 14 (6), 505-547, 2005
Is “quality” metadata “shareable” metadata? The implications of local metadata practices for federated collections
SL Shreeves, EM Knutson, B Stvilia, CL Palmer, MB Twidale, TW Cole
A second life for your museum: 3D multi-user virtual environments and museums
RJ Urban
Archives & Museum Informatics, 2007
Web Mash-ups and Patchwork Prototyping: User-driven technological innovation with Web 2.0 and Open Source Software
IR Floyd, MC Jones, D Rathi, MB Twidale
Proceedings of the 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2007
Usability processes in open source projects
DM Nichols, MB Twidale
Software Process: Improvement and Practice 11 (2), 149-162, 2006
Metadata quality problems in federated collections
B Stvilia, L Gasser, MB Twidale
Challenges of Managing Information Quality in Service Organizations, 154-186, 2007
Talking in the library: Implications for the design of digital libraries
A Crabtree, MB Twidale, J O'Brien, DM Nichols
Proceedings of the second ACM international conference on Digital libraries …, 1997
Designing interfaces to support collaboration in information retrieval
M Twidale, D Nichols
Interacting with computers 10 (2), 177-193, 1998
Exploring usability discussions in open source development
MB Twidale, DM Nichols
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2005
Museum informatics
PF Marty, WB Rayward, MB Twidale
Annual review of information science and technology 37 (1), 259-294, 2003
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Articles 1–20