Roman Burbelo
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Amorphization and reduction of thermal conductivity in porous silicon by irradiation with swift heavy ions
PJ Newby, B Canut, JM Bluet, S Gomes, M Isaiev, R Burbelo, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 114 (1), 2013
Photoacoustic characterization of nanowire arrays formed by metal-assisted chemical etching of crystalline silicon substrates with different doping level
P Lishchuk, M Isaiev, L Osminkina, R Burbelo, T Nychyporuk, ...
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 107, 131-136, 2019
Investigation of thermal transport properties of porous silicon by photoacoustic technique
P Lishchuk, D Andrusenko, M Isaiev, V Lysenko, R Burbelo
International Journal of Thermophysics 36, 2428-2433, 2015
Photoacoustic visualization of residual stress in ceramic material
RM Burbelo, AL Gulyaev, LI Robur, et al
J. Phys. IV France 4, C7-311, 1994
Thermal conductivity of silicon nanomaterials measured using the photoacoustic technique in a piezoelectric configuration
K Dubyk, A Pastushenko, T Nychyporuk, R Burbelo, M Isaiev, V Lysenko
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 126, 267-273, 2019
Thermal conductivity of meso-porous germanium
M Isaiev, S Tutashkonko, V Jean, K Termentzidis, T Nychyporuk, ...
Applied Physics Letters 105 (3), 2014
Photoacoustic effects in nanocomposite structure ‘porous silicon-liquid’
D Andrusenko, M Isaiev, A Kuzmich, V Lysenko, R Burbelo
Nanoscale research letters 7 (1), 411, 2012
Thermal conductivity of partially amorphous porous silicon by photoacoustic technique
M Isaiev, PJ Newby, B Canut, A Tytarenko, P Lishchuk, D Andrusenko, ...
Materials Letters 128, 71-74, 2014
Laser photoacoustic diagnostics of advanced materials with different structure and dimensions
R Burbelo, D Andrusenko, M Isaiev, A Kuzmich
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials 56, 1157-1162, 2011
Photoacoustic effect in elastic stress' regions of solids
RM Burbelo, MK Zhabitenko
Progress in Natural Science 6 (SPEC. ISS.), S720-S723, 1996
Interfacial thermal resistance between porous layers: Impact on thermal conductivity of a multilayered porous structure
P Lishchuk, A Dekret, A Pastushenko, A Kuzmich, R Burbelo, A Belarouci, ...
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 134, 317-320, 2018
Size evaluation of the fine morphological features of porous nanostructures from the perturbation of heat transfer by a pore filling agent
D Andrusenko, M Isaiev, A Tytarenko, V Lysenko, R Burbelo
Microporous and mesoporous materials 194, 79-82, 2014
Photoacoustic thermal conductivity determination of layered structures PS-Si: piezoelectric detection
S Alekseev, D Andrusenko, R Burbelo, M Isaiev, A Kuzmich
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 278, 012003, 2011
Features of photoacoustic transformation in microporous nanocrystalline silicon
AI Tytarenko, DA Andrusenko, AG Kuzmich, IV Gavril’chenko, ...
Technical Physics Letters 40, 188-191, 2014
Thermal conductivity of nanofluids formed by carbon flurooxide mesoparticles
K Dubyk, M Isaiev, S Alekseev, R Burbelo, V Lysenko
SN Applied Sciences 1, 1-7, 2019
Photoacoustic signal formation in heterogeneous multilayer systems with piezoelectric detection
M Isaiev, D Andrusenko, A Tytarenko, A Kuzmich, V Lysenko, R Burbelo
International Journal of Thermophysics 35, 2341-2351, 2014
Evolution of temperature distribution in implanted Si-based structures: pulse mode of laser irradiation
R Burbelo, M Isaiev, A Kuzmich
Ukr. J. Phys 55 (3), 317-321, 2010
Ultrasound influence on I–V–T characteristics of silicon Schottky barrier structure
OY Olikh, KV Voytenko, RM Burbelo
Journal of Applied Physics 117 (4), 2015
Photothermal transformation in heterogeneous semiconductors structures under its pulse laser irradiation: Role of electron-hole diffusion
M Isaiev, V Kuryliuk, A Kuzmich, R Burbelo
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials 58 (4), 1351--1354, 2013
Thermal Elasticity Stresses Study in Composite System ‘Porous Silicon-Liquid’
M Isaiev, K Voitenko, V Doroshchuk, D Andrusenko, A Kuzmich, ...
Physics Procedia 70, 586-589, 2015
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