Denis Grebenkov
Denis Grebenkov
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NMR survey of reflected Brownian motion
DS Grebenkov
Reviews of Modern Physics 79 (3), 1077-1137, 2007
Geometrical structure of Laplacian eigenfunctions
DS Grebenkov, BT Nguyen
siam REVIEW 55 (4), 601-667, 2013
Anomalous, non-Gaussian tracer diffusion in crowded two-dimensional environments
SK Ghosh, AG Cherstvy, DS Grebenkov, R Metzler
New Journal of Physics 18 (1), 013027, 2016
Optimal reaction time for surface-mediated diffusion
O Bénichou, D Grebenkov, P Levitz, C Loverdo, R Voituriez
Physical review letters 105 (15), 150606, 2010
Diffusion-limited reactions in dynamic heterogeneous media
Y Lanoiselée, N Moutal, DS Grebenkov
Nature communications 9 (1), 4398, 2018
Laplacian eigenfunctions in NMR. I. A numerical tool
DS Grebenkov
Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A: An Educational Journal 32 (4), 277-301, 2008
Strong defocusing of molecular reaction times results from an interplay of geometry and reaction control
DS Grebenkov, R Metzler, G Oshanin
Communications Chemistry 1 (1), 96, 2018
Residence times and other functionals of reflected Brownian motion
DS Grebenkov
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 76 (4 …, 2007
Paradigm shift in diffusion-mediated surface phenomena
DS Grebenkov
Physical Review Letters 125 (7), 078102, 2020
Partially reflected Brownian motion: a stochastic approach to transport phenomena
DS Grebenkov
Focus on probability theory, 135-169, 2006
A model of non-Gaussian diffusion in heterogeneous media
Y Lanoiselée, DS Grebenkov
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51 (14), 145602, 2018
Mean first-passage time of surface-mediated diffusion in spherical domains
O Bénichou, DS Grebenkov, PE Levitz, C Loverdo, R Voituriez
Journal of Statistical Physics 142, 657-685, 2011
Diffusive escape through a narrow opening: new insights into a classic problem
DS Grebenkov, G Oshanin
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (4), 2723-2739, 2017
Universal formula for the mean first passage time in planar domains
DS Grebenkov
Physical review letters 117 (26), 260201, 2016
A finite elements method to solve the Bloch–Torrey equation applied to diffusion magnetic resonance imaging
D Van Nguyen, JR Li, D Grebenkov, D Le Bihan
Journal of Computational Physics 263, 283-302, 2014
Full distribution of first exit times in the narrow escape problem
DS Grebenkov, R Metzler, G Oshanin
New Journal of Physics 21 (12), 122001, 2019
Mathematical basis for a general theory of Laplacian transport towards irregular interfaces
DS Grebenkov, M Filoche, B Sapoval
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 73 (2 …, 2006
Modeling oxygen transport in human placental terminal villi
JS Gill, CM Salafia, D Grebenkov, DD Vvedensky
Journal of theoretical biology 291, 33-41, 2011
Subdiffusion in a bounded domain with a partially absorbing-reflecting boundary
DS Grebenkov
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 81 (2 …, 2010
Towards a full quantitative description of single-molecule reaction kinetics in biological cells
DS Grebenkov, R Metzler, G Oshanin
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (24), 16393-16401, 2018
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