Adam D. Smith
Adam D. Smith
U.S. Motus Director, American Bird Conservancy
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Intrafeather and intraindividual variation in the stable-hydrogen isotope (δD) content of raptor feathers
AD Smith, K Donohue, AM Dufty Jr
The Condor 110 (3), 500-506, 2008
Birds Select Fruits with More Anthocyanins and Phenolic Compounds During Autumn Migration
JA Bolser, RR Alan, AD Smith, L Li, NP Seeram, SR McWilliams
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 125 (1), 97-108, 2013
Gradient boosting for distributional regression: faster tuning and improved variable selection via noncyclical updates
J Thomas, A Mayr, B Bischl, M Schmid, A Smith, B Hofner
Statistics and Computing 28, 673-687, 2018
What to do when stopping over: behavioral decisions of a migrating songbird during stopover are dictated by initial change in their body condition and mediated by key …
AD Smith, SR McWilliams
Behavioral Ecology 25 (6), 1423-1435, 2014
Variation in the stable-hydrogen isotope composition of Northern Goshawk feathers: relevance to the study of migratory origins
AD Smith, AM Dufty Jr
The Condor 107 (3), 547-558, 2005
Fruit removal rate depends on neighborhood fruit density, frugivore abundance, and spatial context
AD Smith, SR McWilliams
Oecologia 174, 931-942, 2014
The unmarked R package: Twelve years of advances in occurrence and abundance modelling in ecology
KF Kellner, AD Smith, JA Royle, M Kéry, JL Belant, RB Chandler
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14 (6), 1408-1415, 2023
Deuterium measurements of raptor feathers: does a lack of reproducibility compromise geographic assignment?
AD Smith, CA Lott, JP Smith, KC Donohue, S Wittenberg, KLG Smith, ...
The Auk 126 (1), 41-46, 2009
Bat activity during autumn relates to atmospheric conditions: implications for coastal wind energy development
AD Smith, SR McWilliams
Journal of Mammalogy 97 (6), 1565-1577, 2016
Two seconds is all it takes: European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) increase levels of circulating glucocorticoids after witnessing a brief raptor attack
BC Jones, AD Smith, SE Bebus, SJ Schoech
Hormones and behavior 78, 72-78, 2016
Using nocturnal flight calls to assess the fall migration of warblers and sparrows along a coastal ecological barrier
AD Smith, PWC Paton, SR McWilliams
PloS one 9 (3), e92218, 2014
Modeling spatiotemporal abundance of mobile wildlife in highly variable environments using boosted GAMLSS hurdle models
A Smith, B Hofner, JS Lamb, J Osenkowski, T Allison, G Sadoti, ...
Ecology and evolution 9 (5), 2346-2364, 2019
Where's the Grass? Disappearing Submerged Aquatic Vegetation and Declining Water Quality in Lake Mattamuskeet
MC Moorman, T Augspurger, JD Stanton, A Smith
Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 8 (2), 401-417, 2017
A mass balance approach to identify and compare differential routing of 13C-labeled carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins in vivo
MD McCue, A Smith, R McKinney, B Rewald, B Pinshow, SR McWilliams
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 84 (5), 506-513, 2011
Linking monitoring and data analysis to predictions and decisions for the range-wide eastern black rail status assessment
CP McGowan, NF Angeli, WA Beisler, C Snyder, NM Rankin, ...
Endangered Species Research 43, 209-222, 2020
Tracking Movements of Migratory Shorebirds in the US Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf Region
PH Loring, AK Lenske, JD McLaren, M Aikens, AM Anderson, Y Aubrey, ...
Sterling (VA): US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy …, 2021
unmarked: Models for data from unmarked animals
R Chandler, K Kellner, I Fiske, D Miller, A Royle, J Hostetler, ...
Version, 2020
Statistical power of mobile acoustic monitoring to detect population change in southeastern US bat species, a case study
KO Evans, AD Smith, D Richardson
Ecological Indicators 125, 107524, 2021
Seasonal and Interspecific Variation in Frugivory by a Mixed Resident-Migrant Overwintering Songbird Community
WA Carter, SF Pearson, AD Smith, SR McWilliams, DJ Levey
Diversity 13 (7), 314, 2021
Poor reproducibility and inference in hydrogen-stable-isotope studies of avian movement: A reply to Wunder et al.(2009)
AD Smith, CA Lott, JP Smith, KC Donohue, S Wittenberg, KG Smith, ...
The Auk 126 (4), 926-931, 2009
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