Yopa Eka Prawatya
Yopa Eka Prawatya
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Influence of surface roughness on the tribo-electric process for a sliding contact between polymeric plate materials
MB Neagoe, YE Prawatya, T Zeghloul, L Dascalescu
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 174 (1), 012003, 2017
Laboratory bench for the characterization of triboelectric properties of polymers
B Neagoe, Y Prawatya, T Zeghloul, D Souchet, L Dascalescu
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 646 (1), 012058, 2015
Surface-electric-potential characteristics of tribo-and corona-charged polymers: a comparative study
YE Prawatya, MB Neagoe, T Zeghloul, L Dascalescu
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 53 (3), 2423-2431, 2017
Electric potential distribution at the surface of insulating materials exposed to corona discharges from various electrode configurations
A Reguig, A Bendaoud, B Neagoe, Y Prawatya, L Dascalescu
Journal of Electrostatics 82, 55-62, 2016
Analisis pengaruh marketing mix terhadap kepuasan konsumen sepeda motor
T Wahyudi, YE Prawatya
ELKHA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro 4 (2), 2012
Experimental bench for studying the relation between the dynamic characteristics of the frictional motion and the electric potential at the surface of polymer slabs in sliding …
B Neagoe, HN Teodorescu, Y Prawatya, L Dascalescu, T Zeghloul
Tribology International 111, 107-115, 2017
Electric-potential-measurement-based methodology for estimation of electric charge density at the surface of tribocharged insulating slabs
MB Neagoe, YE Prawatya, T Zeghloul, L Dascalescu
Journal of Electrostatics 90, 123-130, 2017
Karakterisasi Pengaruh Orientasi Serat Terhadap Sifat Fisis Komposit Serat Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Dengan Perlakuan Alkali (NaOH)
AS Jati, YE Prawatya, RA Wicaksono
JTRAIN: Jurnal Teknologi Rekayasa Teknik Mesin 2 (1), 6-12, 2020
Tribo and corona charging and charge decay on polymers plates
H Mellouki, L Herous, Y Prawatya, B Neagoe, L Dascalescu
2017 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering-Boumerdes (ICEE …, 2017
Statistical process control of the tribocharging of polymer slabs in frictional sliding contact
Y Prawatya, K Senouci, T Zeghloul, B Neagoe, L Dascalescu, K Medles
2017 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 1-6, 2017
Triboelectrical charge generated by frictional sliding contact between polymeric materials
T Zeghloul, MB Neagoe, YE Prawatya, L Dascalescu
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 174 (1), 012002, 2017
Usulan perbaikan sistem k3 menggunakan metode fmea dan rca pada pt. xyz
VE Ateng, R Rahmahwati, YE Prawatya
Jurnal Teknik Industri Universitas Tanjungpura 5 (1), 2021
Experimental modeling of the conformal-contact tribocharging of polymers
H Mellouki, L Herous, B Neagoe, Y Prawatya, T Zeghloul, L Dascalescu
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 25 (1), 145-153, 2018
Karakterisasi Pengaruh Orientasi Serat terhadap Sifat Mekanis dan Fisis Komposit Serat Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit
R Azizi, YE Prawatya, RA Wicaksono
JTRAIN: Jurnal Teknologi Rekayasa Teknik Mesin 2 (1), 27-34, 2021
Comparison between the surface-electric-potential characteristics of tribo-and corona-charged polymers
Y Prawatya, B Neagoe, T Zeghloul, L Dascalescu
2015 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 1-5, 2015
Optimization of continuous triboelectrification process for polymeric materials in dry contact
YE Prawatya, MB Neagoe, T Zeghloul, L Dascalescu
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 174 (1), 012067, 2017
Usulan Strategi Pengembangan Wisata Danau Hoce dengan Metode Analisis SWOT dan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
I Kurniawan, F Prima, YE Prawatya
Jurnal Teknik Industri Universitas Tanjungpura 7 (1), 2023
Rancang Bangun Alat Pengering Tinta Sablon Dengan Menggunakan Metode Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Dan Desain Eksperimen
O Lahabu, YE Prawatya, I Sujana
Jurnal Teknik Industri Universitas Tanjungpura 6 (1), 2022
Rancang Bangun Alat Adon Bumbu Pecel Menggunakan Metode Nordic Body Map (NBM) dengan Pendekatan Antropometri
A Zulfahmi, I Sujana, YE Prawatya
Jurnal Teknik Industri Universitas Tanjungpura 4 (2), 2020
Anisotropy of the triboelectric effects in polymeric slabs
HN Teodorescu, Y Prawatya, T Zeghloul, L Dascalescu
Tribology International 136, 496-507, 2019
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