BRGM - French Geological Survey, ISTO - Earth Sciences Institute of Orleans
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Reactive transport modelling of the impact of CO2 injection on the clayey cap rock at Sleipner (North Sea)
I Gaus, M Azaroual, I Czernichowski-Lauriol
Chemical Geology 217 (3-4), 319-337, 2005
Thermoddem: A geochemical database focused on low temperature water/rock interactions and waste materials
P Blanc, A Lassin, P Piantone, M Azaroual, N Jacquemet, A Fabbri, ...
Applied geochemistry 27 (10), 2107-2116, 2012
Numerical modeling of fluid–rock chemical interactions at the supercritical CO2–liquid interface during CO2 injection into a carbonate reservoir, the Dogger aquifer (Paris …
L André, P Audigane, M Azaroual, A Menjoz
Energy conversion and management 48 (6), 1782-1797, 2007
Geochemical and solute transport modelling for CO2 storage, what to expect from it?
I Gaus, P Audigane, L André, J Lions, N Jacquemet, P Durst, ...
International journal of greenhouse gas control 2 (4), 605-625, 2008
Chemical changes and leachate mass balance of municipal solid waste bottom ash submitted to weathering
P Freyssinet, P Piantone, M Azaroual, Y Itard, B Clozel-Leloup, ...
Waste Management 22 (2), 159-172, 2002
Well injectivity during CO2 storage operations in deep saline aquifers—Part 1: Experimental investigation of drying effects, salt precipitation and capillary forces
Y Peysson, L André, M Azaroual
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 22, 291-300, 2014
Well injectivity during CO2 storage operations in deep saline aquifers–Part 2: Numerical simulations of drying, salt deposit mechanisms and role of capillary forces
L André, Y Peysson, M Azaroual
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 22, 301-312, 2014
Numerical simulations of the thermal impact of supercritical CO2 injection on chemical reactivity in a carbonate saline reservoir
L André, M Azaroual, A Menjoz
Transport in porous media 82 (1), 247-274, 2010
Solubility of platinum in aqueous solutions at 25 C and pHs 4 to 10 under oxidizing conditions
M Azaroual, B Romand, P Freyssinet, JR Disnar
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 65 (24), 4453-4466, 2001
A double layer model of the gas bubble/water interface
P Leroy, D Jougnot, A Revil, A Lassin, M Azaroual
Journal of colloid and interface science 388 (1), 243-256, 2012
On the feasibility of using supercritical CO2 as heat transmission fluid in an engineered hot dry rock geothermal system
K Pruess, M Azaroual
Proceedings, thirty-first workshop on geothermal reservoir engineering, 2006
Predicting the surface tension of aqueous 1: 1 electrolyte solutions at high salinity
P Leroy, A Lassin, M Azaroual, L André
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (19), 5427-5442, 2010
The electrophoretic mobility of montmorillonite. Zeta potential and surface conductivity effects
P Leroy, C Tournassat, O Bernard, N Devau, M Azaroual
Journal of Colloid and Interface science 451, 21-39, 2015
Thermodynamic properties of solutions in metastable systems under negative or positive pressures
L Mercury, M Azaroual, H Zeyen, Y Tardy
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67 (10), 1769-1785, 2003
Microbial control on the precipitation of modern ferrihydrite and carbonate deposits from the Cézallier hydrothermal springs (Massif Central, France)
J Casanova, F Bodénan, P Négrel, M Azaroual
Sedimentary Geology 126 (1-4), 125-145, 1999
Numerical modeling of formation damage by two-phase particulate transport processes during CO2 injection in deep heterogeneous porous media
MA Sbai, M Azaroual
Advances in water resources 34 (1), 62-82, 2011
I Czernichowski-Lauriol, C Rochelle, I Gaus, M Azaroual, J Pearce, ...
Advances in the geological storage of carbon dioxide: international …, 2006
Influence of surface conductivity on the apparent zeta potential of TiO2 nanoparticles: Application to the modeling of their aggregation kinetics
IS Bouhaik, P Leroy, P Ollivier, M Azaroual, L Mercury
Journal of colloid and interface science 406, 75-85, 2013
A thermodynamic model of aqueous electrolyte solution behavior and solid-liquid equilibrium in the Li-H-Na-K-Cl-OH-H2O system to very high concentrations (40 molal) and from 0 …
A Lassin, C Christov, L André, M Azaroual
American journal of science 815 (8), 204-256, 2015
On the effect of ageing on the erosion of EB-PVD TBCs
RG Wellman, JR Nicholls
Surface and coatings technology 177, 80-88, 2004
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