Petr Hlineny
Cited by
Cited by
Width parameters beyond tree-width and their applications
P Hliněný, S Oum, D Seese, G Gottlob
The Computer Journal 51 (3), 326-362, 2008
Finding branch-decompositions and rank-decompositions
P Hliněný, S Oum
Algorithms–ESA 2007, 163-174, 2007
Representing graphs by disks and balls (a survey of recognition-complexity results)
P Hlinny, J Kratochvíl
Discrete Mathematics 229 (1-3), 101-124, 2001
Crossing number is hard for cubic graphs
P Hliněný
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 96 (4), 455-471, 2006
Branch-width, parse trees, and monadic second-order logic for matroids
P Hliněný
STACS 2003, 319-330, 2003
When Trees Grow Low: Shrubs and Fast MSO1
R Ganian, P Hliněný, J Nešetřil, J Obdržálek, P Ossona de Mendez, ...
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2012: 37th International …, 2012
A new perspective on FO model checking of dense graph classes
J Gajarský, P Hliněný, J Obdržálek, D Lokshtanov, MS Ramanujan
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL) 21 (4), 1-23, 2020
On parse trees and Myhill–Nerode-type tools for handling graphs of bounded rank-width
R Ganian, P Hliněný
Discrete Applied Mathematics 158 (7), 851-867, 2010
Kernelization using structural parameters on sparse graph classes
J Gajarský, P Hliněný, J Obdržálek, S Ordyniak, F Reidl, P Rossmanith, ...
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 84, 219-242, 2017
Matroid tree-width
P Hlinenı, G Whittle
European Journal of Combinatorics 27 (7), 1117-1128, 2006
Shrub-depth: Capturing height of dense graphs
R Ganian, P Hliněný, J Nešetřil, J Obdržálek, PO De Mendez
Logical Methods in Computer Science 15, 2019
Digraph width measures in parameterized algorithmics
R Ganian, P Hliněný, J Kneis, A Langer, J Obdržálek, P Rossmanith
Discrete applied mathematics 168, 88-107, 2014
A parametrized algorithm for matroid branch-width
P Hlinený
SIAM Journal on Computing 35 (2), 259-277, 2005
Are there any good digraph width measures?
R Ganian, P Hliněný, J Kneis, D Meister, J Obdržálek, P Rossmanith, ...
Parameterized and Exact Computation: 5th International Symposium, IPEC 2010 …, 2010
FO model checking on posets of bounded width
J Gajarský, P Hlinený, D Lokshtanov, J Obdralek, S Ordyniak, ...
2015 IEEE 56th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 963-974, 2015
On digraph width measures in parameterized algorithmics
R Ganian, P Hliněný, J Kneis, A Langer, J Obdržálek, P Rossmanith
Parameterized and Exact Computation, 185-197, 2009
On the crossing number of almost planar graphs
P Hliněný, G Salazar
Graph Drawing, 162-173, 2007
Are there any good digraph width measures?
R Ganian, P Hliněný, J Kneis, D Meister, J Obdržálek, P Rossmanith, ...
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 116, 250-286, 2016
Crossing-number critical graphs have bounded path-width
P Hliněny
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 88 (2), 347-367, 2003
Computing the Tutte polynomial on graphs of bounded clique-width
O Giménez, P Hliněný, M Noy
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 20 (4), 932-946, 2006
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Articles 1–20