Kater Murch
Kater Murch
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Quantum simulators: Architectures and opportunities
E Altman, KR Brown, G Carleo, LD Carr, E Demler, C Chin, B DeMarco, ...
PRX quantum 2 (1), 017003, 2021
Stabilizing Rabi oscillations in a superconducting qubit using quantum feedback
R Vijay, C Macklin, DH Slichter, SJ Weber, KW Murch, R Naik, ...
Nature 490 (7418), 77-80, 2012
Observation of quantum-measurement backaction with an ultracold atomic gas
KW Murch, KL Moore, S Gupta, DM Stamper-Kurn
Nature Physics 4 (7), 561-564, 2008
Extended search for the invisible axion with the axion dark matter experiment
T Braine, R Cervantes, N Crisosto, N Du, S Kimes, LJ Rosenberg, ...
Physical review letters 124 (10), 101303, 2020
Search for Dark Photons Produced in 13 TeV Collisions
R Aaij, B Adeva, M Adinolfi, Z Ajaltouni, S Akar, J Albrecht, F Alessio, ...
Physical Review Letters 120 (6), 061801, 2018
Observing single quantum trajectories of a superconducting quantum bit
KW Murch, SJ Weber, C Macklin, I Siddiqi
Nature 502 (7470), 211-214, 2013
Bose-Einstein condensation in a circular waveguide
S Gupta, KW Murch, KL Moore, TP Purdy, DM Stamper-Kurn
Physical review letters 95 (14), 143201, 2005
Quantum state tomography across the exceptional point in a single dissipative qubit
M Naghiloo, M Abbasi, YN Joglekar, KW Murch
Nature Physics 15 (12), 1232-1236, 2019
Cavity nonlinear optics at low photon numbers from collective atomic motion
S Gupta, KL Moore, KW Murch, DM Stamper-Kurn
Physical review letters 99 (21), 213601, 2007
Search for Invisible Axion Dark Matter in the Mass Range
C Bartram, T Braine, E Burns, R Cervantes, N Crisosto, N Du, H Korandla, ...
Physical review letters 127 (26), 261803, 2021
Cavity-assisted quantum bath engineering
KW Murch, U Vool, D Zhou, SJ Weber, SM Girvin, I Siddiqi
Physical review letters 109 (18), 183602, 2012
Mapping the optimal route between two quantum states
SJ Weber, A Chantasri, J Dressel, AN Jordan, KW Murch, I Siddiqi
Nature 511 (7511), 570-573, 2014
Information gain and loss for a quantum maxwell’s demon
M Naghiloo, JJ Alonso, A Romito, E Lutz, KW Murch
Physical review letters 121 (3), 030604, 2018
Reduction of the radiative decay of atomic coherence in squeezed vacuum
KW Murch, SJ Weber, KM Beck, E Ginossar, I Siddiqi
Nature 499 (7456), 62-65, 2013
Engineered dissipation for quantum information science
PM Harrington, EJ Mueller, KW Murch
Nature Reviews Physics 4 (10), 660-671, 2022
Prediction and retrodiction for a continuously monitored superconducting qubit
D Tan, SJ Weber, I Siddiqi, K Mølmer, KW Murch
Physical review letters 114 (9), 090403, 2015
Long-time-scale dynamics of spin textures in a degenerate Rb spinor Bose gas
J Guzman, GB Jo, AN Wenz, KW Murch, CK Thomas, DM Stamper-Kurn
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (6), 063625, 2011
Quantum jumps in the non-Hermitian dynamics of a superconducting qubit
W Chen, M Abbasi, YN Joglekar, KW Murch
Physical Review Letters 127 (14), 140504, 2021
Two-qubit engine fueled by entanglement and local measurements
L Bresque, PA Camati, S Rogers, K Murch, AN Jordan, A Auffèves
Physical Review Letters 126 (12), 120605, 2021
Axion dark matter experiment: Run 1B analysis details
C Bartram, T Braine, R Cervantes, N Crisosto, N Du, G Leum, ...
Physical Review D 103 (3), 032002, 2021
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