Yury Orlovich (Орлович Юрий Леонидович)
Yury Orlovich (Орлович Юрий Леонидович)
Belarusian State University, 4 Nezavisimosti Av., 220030 Minsk, Belarus
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Hamiltonian properties of triangular grid graphs
VS Gordon, YL Orlovich, F Werner
Discrete Mathematics 308 (24), 6166-6188, 2008
The complexity of dissociation set problems in graphs
Y Orlovich, A Dolgui, G Finke, V Gordon, F Werner
Discrete Applied Mathematics 159 (13), 1352-1366, 2011
Approximability results for the maximum and minimum maximal induced matching problems
Y Orlovich, G Finke, V Gordon, I Zverovich
Discrete Optimization 5 (3), 584-593, 2008
Hamiltonian properties of locally connected graphs with bounded vertex degree
VS Gordon, YL Orlovich, CN Potts, VA Strusevich
Discrete applied mathematics 159 (16), 1759-1774, 2011
Теория алгоритмов: учеб. пособие
ПА Иржавский, ВМ Котов, АЮ Лобанов, ЮЛ Орлович, ЕП Соболевская
On the complexity of the independent set problem in triangle graphs
Y Orlovich, J Blazewicz, A Dolgui, G Finke, V Gordon
Discrete mathematics 311 (16), 1670-1680, 2011
Independent domination in triangle graphs
YL Orlovich, IE Zverovich
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 28, 341-348, 2007
Maximal induced matchings of minimum/maximum size
YL Orlovich, IE Zverovich
Technical report, DIMACS TR 2004-26, 2004
On the inapproximability of independent domination in 2P3-free perfect graphs
YL Orlovich, VS Gordon, D de Werra
Theoretical computer science 410 (8-10), 977-982, 2009
Graphs with maximal induced matchings of the same size
P Baptiste, MY Kovalyov, YL Orlovich, F Werner, IE Zverovich
Discrete Applied Mathematics 216 (Part 1), 15-28, 2017
Доминантно-треугольные графы и графы верхних границ
ЮА Картынник, ЮЛ Орлович
Доклады НАН Беларуси 58 (1), 16-25, 2014
Maximal induced matchings of minimum
YL Orlovich, IE Zverovich
maximum size. Technical report, DIMACS TR 2004-26, 2004
Cyclic properties of triangular grid graphs
Y Orlovich, V Gordon, F Werner
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 39 (3), 149-154, 2006
NP-completeness of the independent dominating set problem in the class of cubic planar bipartite graphs
YA Loverov, YL Orlovich
Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics 14, 353-368, 2020
Domination triangle graphs and upper bound graphs
YA Kartynnik, YL Orlovich
Doklady of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus 58 (1), 16-25, 2016
Hamiltonian cycles in graphs of triangular grid
YL Orlovich, VS Gordon, F Werner
Dokl. Nats. Akad. Nauk Belarusi 49 (5), 21-25, 2005
Сборник задач по теории алгоритмов: учеб.-метод. пособие
ВМ Котов, ЮЛ Орлович, ЕП Соболевская, СА Соболь
Graphs with maximal induced matchings of the same size
P Baptiste, MY Kovalyov, YL Orlovich, F Werner, IE Zverovich
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (6), 57-62, 2012
On the complexity of dissociation set problems in graphs
Y Orlovich, A Dolgui, G Finke, V Gordon, F Werner
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 42 (4), 1032-1036, 2009
Independent dominating and neighborhood sets in triangle graphs
Y Orlovich, V Gordon, J Blazewicz, I Zverovich, G Finke
Doklady nacionalnoy Akademii nauk Belarusi 53 (2), 39-44, 2009
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