RW Macdonald
RW Macdonald
Emeritus Scientist, Institute of Ocean Science
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PAHs in the Fraser River basin: a critical appraisal of PAH ratios as indicators of PAH source and composition
MB Yunker, RW Macdonald, R Vingarzan, RH Mitchell, D Goyette, ...
Organic Geochemistry 33 (4), 489-515, 2002
Sensitivity of the carbon cycle in the Arctic to climate change
AD McGuire, LG Anderson, TR Christensen, S Dallimore, L Guo, ...
Ecological Monographs 79 (4), 523-555, 2009
Recent climate change in the Arctic and its impact on contaminant pathways and interpretation of temporal trend data
RW Macdonald, T Harner, J Fyfe
Science of the Total Environment 342 (1), 5-86, 2005
Contaminants in the Canadian Arctic: 5 years of progress in understanding sources, occurrence and pathways
RW Macdonald, LA Barrie, TF Bidleman, ML Diamond, DJ Gregor, ...
Science of the Total Environment 254 (2-3), 93-234, 2000
Sources and pathways of selected organochlorine pesticides to the Arctic and the effect of pathway divergence on HCH trends in biota: a review
YF Li, RW Macdonald
Science of the Total Environment 342 (1), 87-106, 2005
The organic carbon cycle in the Arctic Ocean
R Stein, RW MacDonald
Springer Verlag, 2004
Interactions between climate change and contaminants
D Schiedek, B Sundelin, JW Readman, RW Macdonald
Marine Pollution Bulletin 54 (12), 1845-1856, 2007
Oceanography of the Canadian Shelf of the Beaufort Sea: A setting for marine life. Arctic 55 (Suppl. 1): 29–45
EC Carmack, RW Macdonald
A sediment and organic carbon budget for the Canadian Beaufort Shelf
RW Macdonald, SM Solomon, RE Cranston, HE Welch, MB Yunker, ...
Marine Geology 144 (4), 255-273, 1998
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon composition and potential sources for sediment samples from the Beaufort and Barents Seas
MB Yunker, LR Snowdon, RW Macdonald, JN Smith, MG Fowler, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 30 (4), 1310-1320, 1996
Distribution and sources of organic biomarkers in arctic sediments from the Mackenzie River and Beaufort Shelf
MA Goñi, MB Yunker, RW Macdonald, TI Eglinton
Marine Chemistry 71 (1-2), 23-51, 2000
Physical and geochemical properties across the Atlantic/Pacific water mass front in the southern Canadian Basin
FA McLaughlin, EC Carmack, RW Macdonald, JKB Bishop
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 101 (C1), 1183-1197, 1996
Phytoplankton productivity on the Canadian Shelf of the beaufort Sea
EC Carmack, RW Macdonald, E Jasper
Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser 277, 37-50, 2004
Mobilization pathways of organic carbon from permafrost to arctic rivers in a changing climate
L Guo, CL Ping, RW Macdonald
Geophysical Research Letters 34 (13), 2007
Terrestrial and marine biomarkers in a seasonally ice-covered Arctic estuary—integration of multivariate and biomarker approaches
MB Yunker, RW Macdonald, DJ Veltkamp, WJ Cretney
Marine Chemistry 49 (1), 1-50, 1995
The supply and preservation of ancient and modern components of organic carbon in the Canadian Beaufort Shelf of the Arctic Ocean
MA Goñi, MB Yunker, RW Macdonald, TI Eglinton
Marine Chemistry 93 (1), 53-73, 2005
Climate variability and physical forcing of the food webs and the carbon budget on panarctic shelves
E Carmack, D Barber, J Christensen, RW Macdonald, B Rudels, ...
Progress in Oceanography 71 (2), 145-181, 2006
Evidence of warming of Atlantic water in the Southern Canadian Basin of the Arctic Ocean
E Carmack, RW Macdonald, RG Perkin, FA McLaughlin, RJ Pearson
Geophys. Res. Lett 22, 1061-1064, 1995
The Arctic ocean estuary
JW McClelland, RM Holmes, KH Dunton, RW Macdonald
Estuaries and Coasts 35, 353-368, 2012
Biomass offsets little or none of permafrost carbon release from soils, streams, and wildfire: an expert assessment
BW Abbott, JB Jones, EAG Schuur, FS Chapin III, WB Bowden, ...
Environmental Research Letters 11 (3), 034014, 2016
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