Local search with constraint propagation and conflict-based heuristics N Jussien, O Lhomme Artificial Intelligence 139 (1), 21-45, 2002 | 290 | 2002 |
Choco: an open source java constraint programming library N Jussien, G Rochart, X Lorca CPAIOR'08 Workshop on Open-Source Software for Integer and Contraint …, 2008 | 239 | 2008 |
Constraint solving in uncertain and dynamic environments: A survey G Verfaillie, N Jussien Constraints 10, 253-281, 2005 | 210 | 2005 |
Computational complexity C Solnon, N Jussien Ant Colony Optimization and Constraint Programming, 7-26, 2013 | 195 | 2013 |
The PaLM system: explanation-based constraint programming N Jussien, V Barichard TRICS: Techniques foR Implementing Constraint programming Systems, a post …, 2000 | 194 | 2000 |
Maintaining arc-consistency within dynamic backtracking N Jussien, R Debruyne, P Boizumault International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint …, 2000 | 171 | 2000 |
Instantiating and detecting design patterns: Putting bits and pieces together H Albin-Amiot, P Cointe, YG Guéhéneuc, N Jussien Proceedings 16th Annual International Conference on Automated Software …, 2001 | 157 | 2001 |
Solving a real-time allocation problem with constraint programming PE Hladik, H Cambazard, AM Déplanche, N Jussien Journal of Systems and Software 81 (1), 132-149, 2008 | 111 | 2008 |
Building university timetables using constraint logic programming C Guéret, N Jussien, P Boizumault, C Prins Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling: First International Conference …, 1996 | 106 | 1996 |
Using intelligent backtracking to improve branch-and-bound methods: An application to open-shop problems C Guéret, N Jussien, C Prins European Journal of Operational Research 127 (2), 344-354, 2000 | 88 | 2000 |
Decomposition and learning for a hard real time task allocation problem H Cambazard, PE Hladik, AM Déplanche, N Jussien, Y Trinquet International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint …, 2004 | 76 | 2004 |
Interactively solving school timetabling problems using extensions of constraint programming H Cambazard, F Demazeau, N Jussien, P David International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling …, 2004 | 71* | 2004 |
Two-dimensional pickup and delivery routing problem with loading constraints A Malapert, C Guéret, N Jussien, A Langevin, LM Rousseau First CPAIOR Workshop on Bin Packing and Placement Constraints (BPPC’08), 184, 2008 | 64 | 2008 |
The versatility of using explanations within constraint programming N Jussien Université de Nantes, 2003 | 64 | 2003 |
Using explanations for design-patterns identification YG Guéhéneuc, N Jussien IJCAI 1, 57-64, 2001 | 64 | 2001 |
No Java without caffeine: A tool for dynamic analysis of Java programs YG Guéhéneuc, R Douence, N Jussien Proceedings 17th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software …, 2002 | 59 | 2002 |
Dynamic domain splitting for numeric CSPs. N Jussien, O Lhomme ECAI 98, 224-8, 1998 | 57 | 1998 |
User-friendly explanations for constraint programming N Jussien, S Ouis arXiv preprint cs/0111037, 2001 | 56 | 2001 |
Trends in constraint programming F Benhamou, N Jussien, BA O'Sullivan John Wiley & Sons, 2013 | 46 | 2013 |
Identifying and exploiting problem structures using explanation-based constraint programming H Cambazard, N Jussien Constraints 11 (4), 295-313, 2006 | 46 | 2006 |