Neelam Sinha
Neelam Sinha
Other namesN. Sinha
Associate Professor
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Automation of differential blood count
N Sinha, AG Ramakrishnan
TENCON 2003. Conference on Convergent Technologies for Asia-Pacific Region 2 …, 2003
Assessment of tissue heterogeneity using diffusion tensor and diffusion kurtosis imaging for grading gliomas
R Raja, N Sinha, J Saini, A Mahadevan, KVLN Rao, A Swaminathan
Neuroradiology 58, 1217-1231, 2016
Optic disk localization using L1 minimization
N Sinha, RV Babu
2012 19th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2829-2832, 2012
Blood Cell Segmentation Using EM Algorithm.
N Sinha, AG Ramakrishnan
ICVGIP, 2002
Quality assessment in magnetic resonance images
N Sinha, AG Ramakrishnan
Critical Reviews™ in Biomedical Engineering 38 (2), 2010
Customizing CNNs for blood vessel segmentation from fundus images
SK Vengalil, N Sinha, SSS Kruthiventi, RV Babu
2016 international conference on signal processing and communications (SPCOM …, 2016
Statistical feature analysis for EEG baseline classification: Eyes Open vs Eyes Closed
N Sinha, D Babu
2016 IEEE region 10 conference (TENCON), 2466-2469, 2016
Sleep EEG analysis utilizing inter-channel covariance matrices
SS Prabhu, N Sinha
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 40 (1), 527-545, 2020
Automatic optic disc segmentation using maximum intensity variation
V Kumar, N Sinha
IEEE 2013 Tencon-Spring, 29-33, 2013
Cognitive state classification using transformed fMRI data
H Ramasangu, N Sinha
2014 International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM …, 2014
Statistical features based epileptic seizure EEG detection-an efficacy evaluation
N Sinha, D Babu
2015 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and …, 2015
Hybrid features based classification of alcoholic and non-alcoholic EEG
N Sinha, D Babu
2015 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and …, 2015
An Investigation of Multi-dimensional (1D vs 2D vs 3D) Analyses of EEG Signals using Traditional Methods and Deep Learning Based Methods
D Shah, G Gopan K, N Sinha
Frontiers in Signal Processing, 52, 2022
Whole Tumor Segmentation from Brain MR images using Multi-view 2D Convolutional Neural Network
R Lahoti, SK Vengalil, PB Venkategowda, N Sinha, VV Reddy
2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2021
Parallel magnetic resonance imaging using neural networks
N Sinha, M Saranathan, KR Ramakrishnan, S Suresh
2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 3, III-149-III-152, 2007
A new statistical framework for corpus callosum sub-region characterization based on LBP texture in patients with parkinsonian disorders: a pilot study
D Bhattacharya, N Sinha, S Prasad, PK Pal, J Saini, S Mangalore
Frontiers in Neuroscience 14, 477, 2020
Adaptive k-space sampling design for edge-enhanced DCE-MRI using compressed sensing
R Raja, N Sinha
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 32 (7), 899-912, 2014
Analysis of single channel electroencephalographic signals for visual creativity: A pilot study
SVRA Reddy, M Rao, N Sinha
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 75, 103542, 2022
Deep learning based detection of rhinoceros beetle infestation in coconut trees using drone imagery
A Kadethankar, N Sinha, A Burman, V Hegde
Computer Vision and Image Processing: 5th International Conference, CVIP …, 2021
Spatial Encoding of BOLD fMRI Time Series for Categorizing Static Images across Visual Datasets: A Pilot Study on Human Vision
V Kancharla, D Bhattacharya, N Sinha
Tencon 2023, 2023
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Articles 1–20