Xiaoyu Zhao
Xiaoyu Zhao
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Cited by
Contouring strategies to improve the tensile properties and quality of EBM printed Inconel 625 parts
X Zhao, S Dadbakhsh, A Rashid
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 62, 418-429, 2021
Role of Superficial Defects and Machining Depth in Tensile Properties of Electron Beam Melting (EBM) Made Inconel 718
X Zhao, A Rashid, A Strondl, C Hulme-Smith, N Stenberg, S Dadbakhsh
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 30 (3), 2091-2101, 2021
Process and geometrical integrity optimization of electron beam melting for copper
S Dadbakhsh, X Zhao, PK Chinnappan, V Shanmugam, Z Lin, C Hulme
CIRP annals, 2022
A study of metallic coatings on ceramic particles for thermal emissivity control and effective thermal conductivity enhancement in packed bed thermal energy storage
S Trevisan, W Wang, X Zhao, B Laumert
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 234, 111458, 2022
Evaluating the electron beam spot size in electron beam melting machines
Z Lin, X Zhao, S Dadbakhsh, A Rashid
Virtual Lamdamap 14th International Conference & Exhibition, 10th-11th March …, 2021
Influence of Contouring and depth of machining on tensile properties of Inconel 625 made by Electron Beam Melting
X Zhao, A Rashid, S Dadbakhsh
Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference 2019. Örebro, Sweden, 25-27 Nov …, 2019
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