Tao Zhu
Tao Zhu
ChimieParisTech, PSL university
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Cited by
Rational design of Lewis base molecules for stable and efficient inverted perovskite solar cells
C Li, X Wang, E Bi, F Jiang, SM Park, Y Li, L Chen, Z Wang, L Zeng, ...
Science 379 (6633), 690-694, 2023
Revealing the underlying solvent effect on film morphology in high-efficiency organic solar cells through combined ex situ and in situ observations
R Ma, X Jiang, J Fu, T Zhu, C Yan, K Wu, P Müller-Buschbaum, G Li
Energy & Environmental Science 16 (5), 2316-2326, 2023
PEAI-Based Interfacial Layer for High-Efficiency and Stable Solar Cells Based on a MACl-Mediated Grown FA0.94MA0.06PbI3 Perovskite
T Zhu, D Zheng, J Liu, L Coolen, T Pauporté
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (33), 37197-37207, 2020
Molecular versus polymeric hole transporting materials for perovskite solar cell application
M Ulfa, T Zhu, F Goubard, T Pauporté
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6 (27), 13350-13358, 2018
Interfacial engineering through chloride-functionalized self-assembled monolayers for high-performance perovskite solar cells
T Zhu, J Su, F Labat, I Ciofini, T Pauporte
ACS applied materials & interfaces 12 (1), 744-752, 2019
Controlling the Formation Process of Methylammonium‐Free Halide Perovskite Films for a Homogeneous Incorporation of Alkali Metal Cations Beneficial to Solar Cell Performance
D Zheng, T Zhu, Y Yan, T Pauporté
Advanced Energy Materials 12 (13), 2103618, 2022
Response Enhancement of Self‐Powered Visible‐Blind UV Photodetectors by Nanostructured Heterointerface Engineering
T Zhu, J Su, J Alvarez, G Lefèvre, F Labat, I Ciofini, T Pauporte
Advanced Functional Materials 29 (38), 1903981, 2019
High photovoltages of CuFeO2 based p-type dye-sensitized solar cells
T Zhu, Z Deng, X Fang, Z Huo, S Wang, W Dong, J Shao, R Tao, C Song, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 685, 836-840, 2016
The stabilization of formamidinium lead tri‐iodide perovskite through a methylammonium‐based additive for high‐efficiency solar cells
T Zhu, D Zheng, MN Rager, T Pauporté
Solar RRL 4 (11), 2000348, 2020
Effects of 5-ammonium valeric acid iodide as additive on methyl ammonium lead iodide perovskite solar cells
D Zheng, C Tong, T Zhu, Y Rong, T Pauporté
Nanomaterials 10 (12), 2512, 2020
From Mono-to Triple-Cation Hybrid Perovskites for High-Efficiency Solar Cells: Electrical Response, Impedance, and Stability
D Zheng, T Zhu, T Pauporté
ACS Applied Energy Materials 4 (3), 2960-2960, 2021
Room temperature deposition of amorphous p-type CuFeO2 and fabrication of CuFeO2/n-Si heterojunction by RF sputtering method
T Zhu, Z Deng, X Fang, W Dong, J Shao, R Tao, S Wang
Bulletin of Materials Science 39, 883-887, 2016
Improving the heterointerface in hybrid organic–inorganic perovskite solar cells by surface engineering: Insights from periodic hybrid density functional theory calculations
J Su, T Zhu, T Pauporté, I Ciofini, F Labat
Journal of Computational Chemistry 41 (19), 1740-1747, 2020
Brief: Daily Performance Changes in Metal Halide Perovskite PV Modules
TJ Silverman, MG Deceglie, IR Repins, T Zhu, Z Song, MJ Heben, Y Yan, ...
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 2023
Titanium dioxide surface energy levels tuning by self-assembled monolayers
T Zhu, S Olthof, T Pauporté
Applied Physics Letters 121 (14), 2022
Numerical modeling of capacitance signatures of perovskite solar cells
R Awni, Z Song, C Li, L Chen, S Rijal, S Bista, T Zhu, X Wang, Y Yan
2022 IEEE 49th Photovoltaics Specialists Conference (PVSC), 0126-0126, 2022
Evaluation and Demonstration of Slot-Die Coating for Perovskite Thin Film Mini-Modules for Space Photovoltaics
M Rajakaruna, AH Ghahremani, T Zhu, J Chung, T Mariam, T Brau, ...
2022 IEEE 49th Photovoltaics Specialists Conference (PVSC), 1055-1058, 2022
A periodic hybrid DFT investigation of the perovskite/TiO2 interface for perovskite solar cell application: from structural features to electron injection
J Su, T Zhu, T Pauporté, F Labat, I Ciofini
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Articles 1–18