P. Sanchez
P. Sanchez
Ingénieur de Recherche, CNRS-LMA, équipe SONS
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The insertion and transport of anandamide in synthetic lipid membranes are both cholesterol-dependent
E Di Pasquale, H Chahinian, P Sanchez, J Fantini
PLoS One 4 (3), e4989, 2009
TAROT: Observing gamma-ray bursts" in progress”
M Boër, M Bringer, A Klotz, AM Moly, D Toublanc, G Calvet, J Eysseric, ...
Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series 138 (3), 579-580, 1999
Long‐term reorganization of respiratory pathways after partial cervical spinal cord injury
S Vinit, F Darlot, JC Stamegna, P Sanchez, P Gauthier, A Kastner
European Journal of Neuroscience 27 (4), 897-908, 2008
Design decisions for the FTM: a general purpose fault tolerant machine
M Banatre, G Muller, B Rochat, P Sanchez
INRIA, 1991
Biophysical studies of the interaction of squalamine and other cationic amphiphilic molecules with bacterial and eukaryotic membranes: importance of the distribution …
E Di Pasquale, C Salmi-Smail, JM Brunel, P Sanchez, J Fantini, ...
Chemistry and physics of lipids 163 (2), 131-140, 2010
Neuronal conduction of excitation without action potentials based on ceramide production
C Fasano, F Tercé, JP Niel, HTT Nguyen, A Hiol, J Bertrand-Michel, ...
PLoS One 2 (7), e612, 2007
Scaled laboratory experiments of shallow water acoustic propagation: Calibration phase
P Papadakis, M Taroudakis, F Sturm, P Sanchez, JP Sessarego
Acta Acustica united with Acustica 94 (5), 676-684, 2008
Multiple two-step oscillation regimes produced by the alto saxophone
T Colinot, P Guillemain, C Vergez, JB Doc, P Sanchez
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 147 (4), 2406-2413, 2020
Long-term respiratory pathways reorganization after partial cervical spinal cord injury
S Vinit, F Darlot, JC Stamegna, P Sanchez, P Gauthier, A Kastner
Eur J Neurosci 27, 897-908, 2008
Derivation of the backscattering coefficient σ0 in ESA ERS SAR PRI products, Doc
H Laur, P Bally, P Meadows, PJ Sanchez, B Schaettler, E Lopinto, ...
ES-TN-RS-PM-HL09, 1996
Bearing and range estimation using wide-band music method
Z Saidi, S Bourennane, L Guillon, P Sanchez
2005 13th European Signal Processing Conference, 1-4, 2005
Comparison of parabolic equation based codes with tank experiments for shallow water environments
F Sturm, JP Sessarego, P Sanchez
the 8th European Conference in Underwater Acoustic (Portugal Carvoeiro), 427-432, 2006
Manual de toma de decisiones y de evaluación para el aprendizaje y uso de los sistemas aumentativos de comunicación
E Soro, C Rosell, G Alsina, H Garcia, P Sanchez, A Comellas, ...
Direccion General de Accion Social del Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social, 1988
Use of scaled models to study high frequency seafloor backscattering
JP Sessarego, P Sanchez
Conference on Boundary Influences in high frequency shallow water acoustics …, 2005
Scaled laboratory experiments of shallow water acoustic propagation
P Papadakis, M Taroudakis, P Sanchez, JP Sessarego
Proceedings of Forum Acusticum, 287-292, 2005
Characterization of open woodwind toneholes by the tube reversed method
H Garcia Mayén, J Kergomard, C Vergez, P Guillemain, M Jousserand, ...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 150 (5), 3763-3772, 2021
Role of the resonator geometry on the pressure spectrum of reed conical instruments
J Kergomard, P Guillemain, P Sanchez, C Vergez, JP Dalmont, ...
Time and frequency measurements using scaled laboratory experiments of shallow-water acoustic propagation
P Papadakis, M Taroudakis, P Sanchez, JP Sessarego
Proc. 8th ECUA, 2006
Laboratory study of high frequency scattering from water‐saturated sandy sediments
A Ivakin, JP Sessarego, P Sanchez
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 117 (4_Supplement), 2433-2433, 2005
" WaveLoom", logiciel d'aide à la création de disques photosoniques
D Arfib, J Dudon, P Sanchez
Journées d'Informatique Musicale, 1996
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