Prof. Mahmoud Ashry
Prof. Mahmoud Ashry
Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt
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Cited by
Formation Configuration for Cooperative Multiple UAV via Backstepping PID Controller
M Mahfouz, AT Hafez, M Ashry, G Elnashar
2018 AIAA SPACE and Astronautics Forum and Exposition, 5282, 2018
Design and control of quad-rotor helicopters based on adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system
M Mahfouz, M Ashry, G Elnashar
International Journal of Engineering Research Technology (IJERT) 2 (12 …, 2013
Modeling of fixed wing UAV and design of multivariable flight controller using PID tuned by local optimal control
E Mobarez, A Sarhan, M Ashry
18th International Conference on Aerospace Sciences & Aviation Technology …, 2019
Self-Tuned PID Controller for the Aerosonde UAV Autopilot
A Sarhan, M Ashry
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) 2 (12 …, 2013
Tuning of digital PID controller parameters using local optimal control
MM Ashry, ZZ Kamalova, TV Breikin
2008 16th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 587-592, 2008
Comparative robustness study of multivariable controller of fixed wing Ultrastick25-e UAV
EN Mobarez, A Sarhan, MM Ashry
2018 14th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO), 146-150, 2018
Control of multivariable systems using modified local optimal controller
M Ashry, U Abou-Zayed, T Breikin
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 41 (2), 8767-8772, 2008
Comparative robustness study of multivariable controllers for a gas turbine engine
M Ashry, U Abou-Zayed, T Breikin
IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and Control, 2008
Robust CLOS Guidance and Control: Part-3:HIL Systems Simulation
AN Oda, GA El-Sheik., M Ashry, YZ El-Halwagy, MA Abd-Altief
14th International Conference on aerospace sciences and aviation technology …, 2011
Influence of Intelligent Active Suspension System Controller Design Techniques on Vehicle Braking Characteristics
AM Onsy, AM Sharaf, MM Ashrey, SM Eldemerdash
SAE International Journal of Vehicle Dynamics, Stability, and NVH 3 (10-03 …, 2018
High Accuracy Spacecraft Orbit Propagator Validation
A Refaat, A Badawy, M Ashry, A Omar
The 18th International Conference (2018) on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical …, 2018
Implementation of Local Optimal Controller based on model identification of multi-mass electromechanical servo system
U Abou-Zayed, M Ashry, T Breikin
Proceedings of the 27th IASTED International Conference on Modelling …, 2008
Obstacle avoidance for multi-UAV path planning based on particle swarm optimization
EN Mobarez, A Sarhan, MM Ashry
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1172 (1), 012039, 2021
PID tuning approaches for quadrotors unmanned aerial vehicles
M Mahfouz, A Taiomour, MM Ashry, G Elnashar
International Conference on Aerospace Sciences and Aviation Technology 19 …, 2021
Cyclic Leader-Follower Strategy For Cooperative Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
M Mahfouz, AT Hafez, M Ashry, G Elnashar
IEEE international conference on vehicular electronics and safety ICVES 2019 …, 2019
Controller Design for Line of Sight Stabilization System
A Habashi, M Ashry, M Mabrouk, G Elnashar
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 2015
Fractional order PID Based on a Single Artificial Neural Network Algorithm for Fixed wing UAVs
EN Mobarez, A Sarhan, M Ashry
2019 15th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO), 1-7, 2019
Robust CLOS Guidance and Control: Part-2:Scalar H-infinity Autopilot Synthesis
AN Oda, GA El-Sheikh, YZ El-Halwagy, M Ashry
14th International Conference on aerospace sciences and aviation technology …, 2011
Experimental open-loop and closed-loop identification of a multi-mass electromechanical servo system
U Abou-Zayed, M Ashry, T Breikin
International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics …, 2008
Controller Design for Micro Turbojet Engine
AM shehata, MK khalil, MM Ashry
2020 12th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEENG), 436-440, 2020
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Articles 1–20