Fabio Toninelli
Fabio Toninelli
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The thermodynamic limit in mean field spin glass models
F Guerra, FL Toninelli
Communications in Mathematical Physics 230, 71-79, 2002
Smoothing effect of quenched disorder on polymer depinning transitions
G Giacomin, FL Toninelli
Communications in mathematical physics 266, 1-16, 2006
The high temperature region of the Viana–Bray diluted spin glass model
F Guerra, FL Toninelli
Journal of statistical physics 115, 531-555, 2004
Fractional moment bounds and disorder relevance for pinning models
B Derrida, G Giacomin, H Lacoin, FL Toninelli
Communications in Mathematical Physics 287 (3), 867-887, 2009
Reflection positivity and phase transitions in lattice spin models
M Biskup, A Bovier, F den Hollander, D Ioffe, F Martinelli, K Netočný, ...
Methods of contemporary mathematical statistical physics, 1-86, 2009
Quadratic replica coupling in the Sherrington–Kirkpatrick mean field spin glass model
F Guerra, FL Toninelli
Journal of Mathematical Physics 43 (7), 3704-3716, 2002
Marginal relevance of disorder for pinning models
G Giacomin, F Toninelli, H Lacoin
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Journal Issued by the …, 2010
The infinite volume limit in generalized mean field disordered models
F Guerra, FL Toninelli
arXiv preprint cond-mat/0208579, 2002
A replica-coupling approach to disordered pinning models
FL Toninelli
Communications in mathematical physics 280, 389-401, 2008
About the Almeida-Thouless transition line in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick mean-field spin glass model
FL Toninelli
Europhysics letters 60 (5), 764, 2002
Replica bounds for diluted non-Poissonian spin systems
S Franz, M Leone, FL Toninelli
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 36 (43), 10967, 2003
Height fluctuations in interacting dimers
A Giuliani, V Mastropietro, FL Toninelli
Disordered pinning models and copolymers: beyond annealed bounds
FL Toninelli
The Annals of Applied Probability, 1569-1587, 2008
Estimates on path delocalization for copolymers at selective interfaces
G Giacomin, FL Toninelli
Probability theory and related fields 133, 464-482, 2005
The localized phase of disordered copolymers with adsorption
G Giacomin, FL Toninelli
arXiv preprint math/0510047, 2005
Disorder relevance at marginality and critical point shift
G Giacomin, H Lacoin, FL Toninelli
Annales de l'IHP Probabilités et statistiques 47 (1), 148-175, 2011
Comparison between quantum and classical dynamics in the effective action formalism
F Cametti, G Jona-Lasinio, C Presilla, F Toninelli
New Directions in Quantum Chaos, 431-448, 2000
Stochastic geometry of classical and quantum Ising models
M Biskup, A Bovier, F den Hollander, D Ioffe, F Martinelli, K Netočný, ...
Methods of contemporary mathematical statistical physics, 87-127, 2009
Quasi-polynomial mixing of the 2D stochastic Ising model with" plus" boundary up to criticality.
E Lubetzky, F Martinelli, A Sly, FL Toninelli
Journal of the European Mathematical Society (EMS Publishing) 15 (2), 2013
Hierarchical pinning models, quadratic maps and quenched disorder
G Giacomin, H Lacoin, FL Toninelli
Probability theory and related fields 147, 185-216, 2010
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