Shufan JIANG
Shufan JIANG
Postdoctoral Researcher at FIZ Karlsruhe - Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure
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Cited by
Towards the Integration of Agricultural Data From Heterogeneous Sources: Perspectives for the French Agricultural Context Using Semantic Technologies
S Jiang, R Angarita, R Chiky, S Cormier, F Rousseaux
First International Workshop on Information Systems Engineering for Smarter …, 2020
Improving Text Mining in Plant Health Domain with GAN and/or Pre-trained Language Model
S JIANG, S CORMIER, R Angarita, F Rousseaux
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 6, 9, 2023
Fine-tuning BERT-based models for Plant Health Bulletin Classification
S Jiang, R Angarita, S Cormier, F Rousseaux
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.00838, 2021
ChouBERT: Pre-training french language model for crowdsensing with tweets in phytosanitary context
S Jiang, R Angarita, S Cormier, J Orensanz, F Rousseaux
International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, 653-661, 2022
Informativeness In Twitter Textual Contents For Farmer-centric Plant Health Monitoring
S Jiang, R Angarita, S Cormier, J Orensanz, F Rousseaux
International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence …, 2022
How to Turn Card Catalogs into LLM Fodder
MA Tan, S Jiang, H Sack
Proceedings of the Workshop on Deep Learning and Linked Data (DLnLD)@ LREC …, 2024
Extracting Definienda in Mathematical Scholarly Articles with Transformers
S Jiang, P Senellart
IJCNLP-AACL 2023, 31, 2023
Integrating textual data towards crowdsensing natural hazards in agriculture
S Jiang
Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, 2022
ChouBERT : Pré-entraînement d’un modèle de langue française pour le Crowdsensing avec des Tweets dans un contexte phytosanitaire
S Jiang, R Angarita, S Cormier, J Orensanz, F Rousseaux
INFORSID 2023, 2023
Named Entity Recognition for Monitoring Plant Health Threats in Tweets: a ChouBERT Approach
S Jiang, R Angarita, S Cormier, F Rousseaux
2022 6th International Conference on Universal Village (UV), 1-5, 2022
Informativité dans les Contenus Textuels Twitter pour la Phytosurveillance Centrée sur l'observation des Agriculteurs
S Jiang, R Angarita, S Cormier, J Orensanz, F Rousseaux
Conférence francophone sur l'Extraction et la Gestion des Connaissances, 2022
Vers la Reconstruction des Connaissances Agricoles: Perspectives de Détection des Risques Naturels à partir de Sources de Données Hétérogènes
S Jiang, R Angarita, R Chiky, S Cormier, F Rousseaux
Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC), 2021
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Articles 1–12