Pierluigi Failla
Pierluigi Failla
Director of AI - FDNA
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Privacy-preserving fingercode authentication
M Barni, T Bianchi, D Catalano, M Di Raimondo, R Donida Labati, P Failla, ...
Proceedings of the 12th ACM workshop on Multimedia and security, 231-240, 2010
Privacy-preserving ECG classification with branching programs and neural networks
M Barni, P Failla, R Lazzeretti, AR Sadeghi, T Schneider
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 6 (2), 452-468, 2011
Secure evaluation of private linear branching programs with medical applications
M Barni, P Failla, V Kolesnikov, R Lazzeretti, AR Sadeghi, T Schneider
Computer Security–ESORICS 2009: 14th European Symposium on Research in …, 2009
A privacy-compliant fingerprint recognition system based on homomorphic encryption and fingercode templates
M Barni, T Bianchi, D Catalano, M Di Raimondo, RD Labati, P Failla, ...
2010 fourth IEEE international conference on biometrics: theory …, 2010
Cumulants-based Radar Specific Emitter Identification
A Aubry, A Bazzoni, V Carotenuto, A De Maio, P Failla
Information Forensics and Security (WIFS), 2011 IEEE International Workshop …, 2011
Efficient privacy-preserving classification of ECG signals
M Barni, P Failla, R Lazzeretti, A Paus, AR Sadeghi, T Schneider, ...
2009 First IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security …, 2009
Esketch: a privacy-preserving fuzzy commitment scheme for authentication using encrypted biometrics
P Failla, Y Sutcu, M Barni
Proceedings of the 12th ACM Workshop on Multimedia and Security, 241-246, 2010
Privacy-preserving processing of biometric templates by homomorphic encryption
P Failla
PhD diss., Ph. D. dissertation, Ph. D. dissertation, PhD School in …, 2010
Heuristic search in encrypted graphs
P Failla
2010 Fourth International Conference on Emerging Security Information …, 2010
Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization on encrypted vectors
P Failla, M Barni
Trustworthy Internet, 93-103, 2011
Combining signal processing and cryptographic protocol design for efficient ECG classification
M Barni, P Failla, V Kolesnikov, R Lazzeretti, AR Sadeghi, T Schneider
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Signal Processing in the …, 2009
Privacy-Aware Processing of Biometric Templates by Means of Secure Two-Party Computation
R Lazzeretti, P Failla, M Barni
Security and Privacy in Biometrics, 149-185, 2013
P Failla, Y Sutcu, M Barni
Proceedings of the 12th ACM workshop on Multimedia and security, 2010
Secure Task Migration and Interprocess Communication in Reconfigurable, Distributed, Embedded Systems
T Schneider, V Kolesnikov, T Schneider, T Schneider, T Schneider, ...
12. International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC …, 2008
Studio e sviluppo di algoritmi per il calcolo della trasformata di Fourier discreta nel dominio cifrato
P Failla
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Articles 1–15