Roberto Tauraso
Roberto Tauraso
Professor of Mathematics, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata"
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New congruences for central binomial coefficients
ZW Sun, R Tauraso
Advances in Applied Mathematics 45 (1), 125-148, 2010
On some new congruences for binomial coefficients
ZW Sun, R Tauraso
International Journal of Number Theory 7 (03), 645-662, 2011
Creation of the new industry-standard space test of laser retroreflectors for the GNSS and LAGEOS
S Dell’Agnello, GO Delle Monache, DG Currie, R Vittori, C Cantone, ...
Advances in Space Research 47 (5), 822-842, 2011
Congruences for central binomial sums and finite polylogarithms
S Mattarei, R Tauraso
Journal of Number Theory 133 (1), 131-157, 2013
New properties of multiple harmonic sums modulo 𝑝 and 𝑝-analogues of Leshchiner’s series
KH Pilehrood, T Pilehrood, R Tauraso
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 366 (6), 3131-3159, 2014
Constraining spacetime torsion with the Moon and Mercury
R March, G Bellettini, R Tauraso, S Dell’Agnello
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 83 (10), 104008, 2011
More congruences for central binomial coefficients
R Tauraso
Journal of Number Theory 130 (12), 2639-2649, 2010
Some -analogs of congruences for central binomial sums
R Tauraso
arXiv preprint arXiv:1201.6152, 2012
q-Analogs of some congruences involving Catalan numbers
R Tauraso
Advances in Applied Mathematics 48 (5), 603-614, 2012
Constraining spacetime torsion with LAGEOS
R March, G Bellettini, R Tauraso, S Dell’Agnello
General Relativity and Gravitation 43, 3099-3126, 2011
Rigidity at the boundary for holomorphic self-maps of the unit disk
R Tauraso, F Vlacci
Complex Variables, Theory and Application: An International Journal 45 (2 …, 2001
Probing gravity in NEO's with high-accuracy laser-ranged test masses
A Bosco, C Cantone, S Dell'Agnello, GO Delle Monache, MA Franceschi, ...
International Journal of Modern Physics D 16 (12a), 2271-2285, 2007
Congruences of alternating multiple harmonic sums
R Tauraso, J Zhao
arXiv preprint arXiv:0909.0670, 2009
The operad Lie is free
P Salvatore, R Tauraso
Journal of pure and applied algebra 213 (2), 224-230, 2009
Supercongruences for a truncated hypergeometric series
R Tauraso
Integers 12, Paper No. A45, 12-Paper No. A45, 12, 2012
Congruences involving alternating multiple harmonic sum
R Tauraso
arXiv preprint arXiv:0905.3327, 2009
Congruences concerning Jacobi polynomials and Apéry-like formulae
K Hessami Pilehrood, T Hessami Pilehrood, R Tauraso
International Journal of Number Theory 8 (07), 1789-1811, 2012
MoonLIGHT: A USA–Italy lunar laser ranging retroreflector array for the 21st century
M Martini, S Dell'Agnello, D Currie, G Delle Monache, R Vittori, ...
Planetary and Space Science 74 (1), 276-282, 2012
Identity principles for commuting holomorphic self-maps of the unit disc
F Bracci, R Tauraso, F Vlacci
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 270 (2), 451-473, 2002
Restricted linear congruences
K Bibak, BM Kapron, V Srinivasan, R Tauraso, L Tóth
Journal of Number Theory 171, 128-144, 2017
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