Frederic de gournay
Frederic de gournay
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Structural optimization using topological and shape sensitivity via a level set method
G Allaire, F Gournay, F Jouve, AM Toader
Control and cybernetics 34 (1), 59-80, 2005
Velocity extension for the level-set method and multiple eigenvalues in shape optimization
F De Gournay
SIAM journal on control and optimization 45 (1), 343-367, 2006
Shape and topology optimization of the robust compliance via the level set method
F De Gournay, G Allaire, F Jouve
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 14 (1), 43-70, 2008
On representer theorems and convex regularization
C Boyer, A Chambolle, YD Castro, V Duval, F De Gournay, P Weiss
SIAM Journal on Optimization 29 (2), 1260-1281, 2019
Imaging by modification: numerical reconstruction of local conductivities from corresponding power density measurements
Y Capdeboscq, J Fehrenbach, F De Gournay, O Kavian
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 2 (4), 1003-1030, 2009
Microwave imaging by elastic deformation
H Ammari, Y Capdeboscq, F De Gournay, A Rozanova-Pierrat, F Triki
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 71 (6), 2112-2130, 2011
On the linear convergence rates of exchange and continuous methods for total variation minimization
A Flinth, F De Gournay, P Weiss
Mathematical Programming 190 (1), 221-257, 2021
Corticalflow: A diffeomorphic mesh transformer network for cortical surface reconstruction
L Lebrat, R Santa Cruz, F de Gournay, D Fu, P Bourgeat, J Fripp, ...
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 29491-29505, 2021
Optimal transport approximation of 2-dimensional measures
L Lebrat, F de Gournay, J Kahn, P Weiss
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 12 (2), 762-787, 2019
The generalized Graetz problem in finite domains
J Fehrenbach, F De Gournay, C Pierre, F Plouraboué
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 72 (1), 99-123, 2012
Uniform stability estimates for the discrete Calderón problems
S Ervedoza, F De Gournay
Inverse problems 27 (12), 125012, 2011
Differentiation and regularity of semi-discrete optimal transport with respect to the parameters of the discrete measure
F De Gournay, J Kahn, L Lebrat
Numerische Mathematik 141, 429-453, 2019
Spurious minimizers in non uniform Fourier sampling optimization
A Gossard, F de Gournay, P Weiss
Inverse Problems 38 (10), 105003, 2022
Numerical computation of 3D heat transfer in complex parallel heat exchangers using generalized Graetz modes
C Pierre, J Bouyssier, F De Gournay, F Plouraboué
Journal of Computational Physics 268, 84-105, 2014
Thin cylindrical conductivity inclusions in a three-dimensional domain: a polarization tensor and unique determination from boundary data
E Beretta, Y Capdeboscq, F De Gournay, E Francini
Inverse Problems 25 (6), 065004, 2009
Theoretical and numerical analysis of counter-flow parallel convective exchangers considering axial diffusion
J Dichamp, F De Gournay, F Plouraboué
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 107, 154-167, 2017
Shape optimization for the generalized Graetz problem
F De Gournay, J Fehrenbach, F Plouraboué
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 49, 993-1008, 2014
An optimal control approach to imaging by modification
Y Capdeboscq, J Fehrenbach, F De Gournay, O Kavian
preprint, 2008
Optimisation de formes par la méthode des lignes de niveaux
F de Gournay
École polytechnique, 2005
Bayesian Optimization of Sampling Densities in MRI
A Gossard, F de Gournay, P Weiss
arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.07170, 2022
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