Martin Husovec
Martin Husovec
London School of Economics and Political Science
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Cited by
Data portability and data control: lessons for an emerging concept in EU law
I Graef, M Husovec, N Purtova
German Law Journal 19 (6), 1359-1398, 2018
Injunctions against intermediaries in the European Union: accountable but not liable?
M Husovec
Cambridge University Press, 2017
The Promises of Algorithmic Copyright Enforcement: Takedown or Staydown: Which Is Superior: And Why
M Husovec
Colum. JL & Arts 42, 53, 2018
Towards a holistic regulatory approach for the European data economy: Why the illusive notion of non-personal data is counterproductive to data innovation
I Graef, R Gellert, M Husovec
TILEC Discussion Paper, 2018
Making the rules: The governance of standard development organizations and their policies on intellectual property rights
J Baron, JL Contreras, M Husovec, P Larouche, N Thumm
JRC Science for Policy Report, EUR 29655, 2019
The essence of intellectual property rights under Article 17 (2) of the EU Charter
M Husovec
German Law Journal 20 (6), 840-863, 2019
How to license article 17? Exploring the implementation options for the new EU rules on content-sharing platforms under the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive
M Husovec, JP Quintais
GRUR International 70 (4), 325-348, 2021
Spill-overs in data governance: Uncovering the uneasy relationship between the GDPR’s right to data portability and EU sector-specific data access regimes
I Graef, M Husovec, J Van Den Boom
Journal of European Consumer and Market Law 9 (1), 2020
Injunctions against innocent third parties: the case of website blocking
M Husovec
J. Intell. Prop. Info. Tech. & Elec. Com. L. 4, 116, 2013
European copyright society–comment on copyright and the digital services Act proposal
A Peukert, M Husovec, M Kretschmer, P Mezei, JP Quintais
IIC-International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 53 (3 …, 2022
Much Ado about Little–privately litigated internet disconnection injunctions
M Husovec, M Peguera
IIC-International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 46, 10-37, 2015
Zodpovednosť na internete: podľa českého a slovenského práva
M Husovec
CZ. NIC, 2014
Accountable, not liable: Injunctions against intermediaries
M Husovec
TILEC discussion paper, 2016
Digital services act: A short primer
M Husovec, I Roche Laguna
Martin Husovec and Irene Roche Laguna, Principles of the Digital Services …, 2022
Intellectual property rights and integration by conflict: the past, present and future
M Husovec
Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 18, 239-269, 2016
Rising Above Liability: The Digital Services Act as a Blueprint for the Second Generation of Global Internet Rules
M Husovec
Berkeley Tech. LJ 38, 883, 2023
The e-commerce Directive as the cornerstone of the internal market: Assessment and options for reform
A De Streel, M Husovec
European Parliament, 2020
An academic perspective on the copyright reform
S Stalla-Bourdillon, E Rosati, K Turk, C Angelopoulos, A Kuczerawy, ...
Computer Law & Security Review 33 (1), 3-13, 2017
Holey cap! CJEU drills (yet) another hole in the e-Commerce Directive’s safe harbours
M Husovec
Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 12 (2), 115-125, 2017
Accountability and responsibility of online intermediaries
G Frosio, M Husovec
The Oxford Handbook of Online Intermediary Liability (Oxford University …, 2019
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Articles 1–20