Franck Taillandier
Franck Taillandier
INRAE Aix-en-Provence, RECOVER
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Games ready to use: A serious game for teaching natural risk management
F Taillandier, C Adam
Simulation & Gaming 49 (4), 441-470, 2018
A multi-agent model to manage risks in construction project (SMACC)
F Taillandier, P Taillandier, E Tepeli, D Breysse, R Mehdizadeh, ...
Automation in Construction 58, 1-18, 2015
Methodology and tools for risk evaluation in construction projects using Risk Breakdown Structure
M Rasool, T Franck, B Denys, N Halidou
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 16 (sup1), 78-98, 2012
Li-BIM, an agent-based approach to simulate occupant-building interaction from the Building-Information Modelling
A Micolier, F Taillandier, P Taillandier, F Bos
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 82, 44-59, 2019
Multidimensional modelling of complex and strategic construction projects for a more effective risk management
E Tepeli, F Taillandier, D Breysse
International journal of construction management 21 (12), 1218-1239, 2021
A Life Cycle Assessment model of End-of-life scenarios for building deconstruction and waste management
E Quéheille, A Ventura, N Saiyouri, F Taillandier
Journal of Cleaner Production 339, 130694, 2022
To what extent can agent-based modelling enhance a life cycle assessment? Answers based on a literature review
A Micolier, P Loubet, F Taillandier, G Sonnemann
Journal of Cleaner Production 239, 118123, 2019
Real estate property maintenance optimization based on multiobjective multidimensional knapsack problem
F Taillandier, C Fernandez, A Ndiaye
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 32 (3), 227-251, 2017
Optimization of strategy planning for building deconstruction
E Queheille, F Taillandier, N Saiyouri
Automation in Construction 98, 236-247, 2019
Decision support to choose renovation actions in order to reduce house energy consumption–An applied approach
F Taillandier, L Mora, D Breysse
Building and Environment 109, 121-134, 2016
Evolutive Risk Breakdown Structure for managing construction project risks: application to a railway project in Algeria
F Hamzaoui, F Taillandier, R Mehdizadeh, D Breysse, A Allal
European journal of environmental and civil engineering 19 (2), 238-262, 2015
An agent-based model to simulate inhabitants’ behavior during a flood event
F Taillandier, P Di Maiolo, P Taillandier, C Jacquenod, ...
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 64, 102503, 2021
Uncertainty processing and risk monitoring in construction projects using hierarchical probabilistic relational models
C Baudrit, F Taillandier, TTP Tran, D Breysse
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 34 (2), 97-115, 2019
Multi-criteria reverse engineering for food: Genesis and ongoing advances
R Thomopoulos, C Baudrit, N Boukhelifa, R Boutrou, P Buche, E Guichard, ...
Food Engineering Reviews 11, 44-60, 2019
Multi-criteria diagnosis of control knowledge for cartographic generalisation
P Taillandier, F Taillandier
European Journal of Operational Research 217 (3), 633-642, 2012
Method and tools for building maintenance plan arbitration
F Taillandier, G Sauce, R Bonetto
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 18 (4), 343-362, 2011
Dynamic and multi perspective risk management in construction with a special view to temporary structures
R Mehdizadeh, D Breysse, F Taillandier, H Niandou
Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems, 1-15, 2012
Risk-based investment trade-off related to building facility management
F Taillandier, G Sauce, R Bonetto
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 94 (4), 785-795, 2009
SPRITE–Participatory simulation for raising awareness about coastal flood risk on the oleron island
C Adam, F Taillandier, E Delay, O Plattard, M Toumi
Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management in Mediterranean …, 2016
Formulating multiobjective optimization of 0.1 μm microfiltration of skim milk
M Belna, A Ndiaye, F Taillandier, L Agabriel, AL Marie, G Gésan-Guiziou
Food and Bioproducts Processing 124, 244-257, 2020
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Articles 1–20