Melati Nungsari
Melati Nungsari
Asia School of Business and MIT Sloan School of Management
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Cited by
Poverty and precarious employment: The case of Rohingya refugee construction workers in Peninsular Malaysia
M Nungsari, S Flanders, HY Chuah
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 7 (1), 1-11, 2020
The formation of youth entrepreneurial intention in an emerging economy: The interaction between psychological traits and socioeconomic factors
M Nungsari, K Ngu, JW Chin, S Flanders
Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies 15 (2), 333-359, 2023
Team teaching an interdisciplinary first-year seminar on magic, religion, and the origins of science: A ‘pieces-to-picture’approach
M Nungsari, MC Dedrick, S Patel
Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 17 (1), 24-36, 2017
The COVID-19 Hardship Survey: An Evaluation of the Prihatin Rakyat Economic Stimulus Package
S Flanders, M Nungsari, HY Chuah …, 2020
Understanding the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on vulnerable populations in Malaysia through an ethical lens: A study of non-state actors involved in aid distribution
M Nungsari, CH Yin, N Fong, V Pillai
Wellcome Open Research 6, 2021
A Comprehensive Study of Rohingya Construction Workers in Peninsular Malaysia and Recommendations for a Future Work Pilot Program
M Nungsari, S Flanders, 2018
Participation in the sharing economy for refugees in Malaysia: A solution that bypasses legal constraints?
M Nungsari, HY Chuah
Sharing Economy at the Base of the Pyramid: Opportunities and Challenges …, 2021
Do proactive students benefit more from university support for entrepreneurship when it comes to choosing entrepreneurship as a career choice? An examination of Ghanian and …
MJ Mustafa, JW Chin, M Nungsari, KJ Morris
The International Journal of Management Education 21 (3), 100868, 2023
A voice for the silent: uncovering service exclusion practices
SC Ng, HY Chuah, M Nungsari
Journal of Services Marketing 36 (7), 991-1005, 2022
Using classroom games to teach core concepts in market design, matching theory, and platform theory
M Nungsari, S Flanders
International Review of Economics Education 35, 100190, 2020
Refugee community-based organizations: resources, power, and dependency
M Nungsari, HY Chuah
Journal of Refugee Studies 35 (2), 780-804, 2022
Pricing schemes and market efficiency in private retirement systems
S Flanders, M Nungsari, M Parada‐Contzen
Journal of Public Economic Theory 22 (4), 1041-1068, 2020
Refugee Issues in Southeast Asia: Narrowing the Gaps between Theory, Policy, and Reality
M Nungsari, S Flanders, HY Chuah
Refugee Review: Emerging Issues in Forced Migration - Perspectives from …, 2020
Identity, trust, and the experiences of refugees during a COVID-19 lockdown
M Nungsari, HY Chuah, S Flanders
Plos one 17 (8), e0271977, 2022
Subjective norms towards entrepreneurship and Malaysian students’ entrepreneurial intentions: does gender matter?
JW Chin, MJ Mustafa, M Nungsari
Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 18 (2), 195-208, 2024
Dreams vs reality: urban and rural female youth aspirations
M Nungsari, JW Chin, K Ngu, MFS Abdullah, S Flanders
Journal of Career Assessment 32 (1), 79-100, 2024
Translating entrepreneurial intention to behaviour amongst micro and small entrepreneurs
M Nungsari, K Ngu, DNS Wong, JW Chin, SY Chee, XS Wong, S Flanders
Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, 2022
Sharing Economy and the Future of Energy
P Egana-delSol, M Nungsari
Affordable and Clean Energy: Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development …, 2019
Externalities and Pricing on Multidimensional Matching Platforms
M Nungsari, S Flanders
Working Paper, 2015
Searching for yourself: A model of pricing on a two-sided matching platform with horizontally-differentiated agents
M Nungsari
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 12, 2014
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Articles 1–20