Peter Hebden
Peter Hebden
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Cited by
Data-centric routing using Bloom filters in wireless sensor networks
P Hebden, AR Pearce
2006 Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information …, 2006
Distributed asynchronous clustering for self-organisation of wireless sensor networks
P Hebden, AR Pearce
2006 Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information …, 2006
Bloom filters for data aggregation and discovery: a hierarchical clustering approach
P Hebden, AR Pearce
2005 International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and …, 2005
Broadband-NIRS System Identifies Epileptic Focus in a Child with Focal Cortical Dysplasia—A Case Study.
K Vezyroglou, P Hebden, I de Roever, R Thornton, S Mitra, A Worley, ...
Metabolites. 12 (3), 260, 2022
A new multichannel broadband NIRS system for quantitative monitoring of brain hemodynamics and metabolism during seizures
ID Roever, A Vezyroglou, P Hebden, R Thornton, A Worley, M Alves, ...
European Conferences on Biomedical Optics, 2019, Munich, Germany 11074, 14 -- 16, 2019
Self-Organization of Wireless Sensor Networks for Data-Centric Routing Using Bloom Filters
P Hebden
University of Melbourne, Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, 2009
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Articles 1–6