christine Balague
christine Balague
Institut Mines Télécom Business School
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Designing branded mobile apps: Fundamentals and recommendations
Z Zhao, C Balagué
Business Horizons 58 (3), 305-315, 2015
From reality to world. A critical perspective on AI fairness
JM John-Mathews, D Cardon, C Balagué
Journal of Business Ethics 178 (4), 945-959, 2022
Facebook, Twitter et les autres...: Intégrer les réseaux sociaux dans une stratégie d'entreprise
C Balagué, D Fayon
Pearson Education France, 2012
The identification and influence of social roles in a social media product community
L Benamar, C Balagué, M Ghassany
Journal of computer-mediated communication 22 (6), 337-362, 2017
Facebook, Twitter et les autres
C Balagué, D Fayon
Intégrer les réseaux sociaux dans, 2010
What affects creative performance in idea co-creation: competitive, cooperative or coopetitive climate?
Z Zhao, D Renard, M Elmoukhliss, C Balague
International Journal of Innovation Management 20 (04), 1640002, 2016
Using blogs to solicit consumer feedback: The role of directive questioning versus no questioning
C Balagué, K De Valck
Journal of Interactive Marketing 27 (1), 62-73, 2013
Idea evaluation in innovation contest platforms: A network perspective
A Özaygen, C Balagué
Decision Support Systems 112, 15-22, 2018
Réseaux sociaux et entreprise: les bonnes pratiques: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube...
C Balagué, D Fayon
pearson, 2011
Internet of things devices appropriation process: The dynamic interactions value appropriation (DIVA) framework
L Benamar, C Balagué, Z Zhong
Technovation 89, 102082, 2020
The Relationships Between Dissatisfaction, Complaints and Subsequent Behavior in Electronic Marketplace.
AF Audrain-Pontevia, C Balagué
Advances in Consumer Research 35, 2008
Digital health and management of chronic disease: A multimodal technologies typology
C Vansimaeys, L Benamar, C Balagué
The International Journal of Health Planning and Management 36 (4), 1107-1125, 2021
“Artificial intelligence”: Which services, which applications, which results and which development today in clinical research? Which impact on the quality of care? Which …
V Diebolt, I Azancot, FH Boissel, I Adenot, C Balagué, P Barthelemy, ...
Therapies 74 (1), 155-164, 2019
Jules Ferry 3.0: bâtir une école créative et juste dans un monde numérique
P Sophie, PA Somalina, S Abiteboul, L Blecher, M Briand, C Garcia, ...
Conseil national du numérique, 2014
A design framework of branded mobile applications
Z Zhao, C Balagué
Proceedings of the 16th international conference on Human-computer …, 2014
L’enseignement de l’informatique en France Il est urgent de ne plus attendre
G Berry, G Dowek, S Abiteboul, JP Archambault, C Balagué, GL Baron, ...
Rapport de l’Académie des sciences, 2013
De la compétition à la coopétition: Les nouvelles formes de crowdsourcing d’idées
M Elmoukhliss, D Renard, Z Zhao, C Balagué
Revue française de gestion, 11-24, 2017
From social networks to mobile social networks: applications in the marketing evolution
Z Zhao, C Balagué
Apps management and e-commerce transactions in real-time, 26-50, 2017
Facebook, Twitter et les autres...: quels réseaux sociaux pour votre entreprise?.-3ème édition
C Balagué, D Fayon
HAL Post-Print, 2016
C Balagué, D Fayon, D Serfaty
Twitter et les autres..., Pearsons Education, Collection le Village Mondial …, 2010
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