Matthias Robine
Matthias Robine
Maître de Conférences, Université de Bordeaux, LaBRI.
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Concurrent Estimation of Chords and Keys from Audio.
T Rocher, M Robine, P Hanna, L Oudre, Y Grenier, C Févotte
ISMIR, 141-146, 2010
On optimizing the editing algorithms for evaluating similarity between monophonic musical sequences
P Hanna, P Ferraro, M Robine
Journal of New Music Research 36 (4), 267-279, 2007
A survey of chord distances with comparison for chord analysis
T Rocher, M Robine, P Hanna, M Desainte-Catherine
ICMC, 2010
Query by tapping system based on alignment algorithm
P Hanna, M Robine
2009 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2009
Adaptation of string matching algorithms for identification of near-duplicate music documents
M Robine, P Hanna, P Ferraro, J Allali
Workshop on plagiarism analysis, authorship identification, and near …, 2007
An alignment based system for chord sequence retrieval
P Hanna, M Robine, T Rocher
Proceedings of the 9th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries …, 2009
Automatic timbre classification of ethnomusicological audio recordings
D Fourer, JL Rouas, P Hanna, M Robine
International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2014), 2014
Dynamic chord analysis for symbolic music
T Rocher, M Robine, P Hanna, R Strandh
ICMC, 2009
Improvements of alignment algorithms for polyphonic music retrieval
P Hanna, M Robine, P Ferraro, J Allali
Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval 2008, 244-251, 2008
Musical Structure Retrieval by Aligning Self-Similarity Matrices.
B Martin, M Robine, P Hanna
ISMIR, 483-488, 2009
Music similarity: Improvements of edit-based algorithms by considering music theory
M Robine, P Hanna, P Ferraro
Proceedings of the international workshop on Workshop on multimedia …, 2007
Comparing approaches to the similarity of musical chord sequences
WB De Haas, M Robine, P Hanna, RC Veltkamp, F Wiering
Exploring Music Contents: 7th International Symposium, CMMR 2010, Málaga …, 2011
Analysis of saxophone performance for computer-assisted tutoring
M Robine, G Percival, M Lagrange
ICMC, 2007
Fast additive sound synthesis using polynomials
M Robine, R Strandh, S Marchand
Digital Audio Effects (DAFx06) Conference, 181--186, 2006
Kara1k: A karaoke dataset for cover song identification and singing voice analysis
Y Bayle, L Maršík, M Rusek, M Robine, P Hanna, K Slaninová, ...
2017 IEEE International symposium on multimedia (ISM), 177-184, 2017
SATIN: a persistent musical database for music information retrieval and a supporting deep learning experiment on song instrumental classification
Y Bayle, M Robine, P Hanna
Multimedia Tools and Applications 78 (3), 2703-2718, 2019
Evaluation of the Technical Leval of Saxophone Performers by Considering the Evolution of Spectral Parameters of the Sound.
M Robine, M Lagrange
ISMIR, 79-84, 2006
Toward a general framework for polyphonic comparison
J Allali, P Ferraro, P Hanna, C Iliopoulos, M Robine
Fundamenta Informaticae 97 (3), 331-346, 2009
Analyse automatique du doigté au piano
M Robine
Journées d'Informatique Musicale (JIM07), 106--112, 2007
Fast additive sound synthesis for real-time simulation of ocean surface
M Robine, J Fréchot
International conference on systems, signals and image processing (IWSSIP …, 2006
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