James D. Howard
James D. Howard
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Aversive learning enhances perceptual and cortical discrimination of indiscriminable odor cues
W Li, JD Howard, TB Parrish, JA Gottfried
Science 319 (5871), 1842-1845, 2008
Odor quality coding and categorization in human posterior piriform cortex
JD Howard, J Plailly, M Grueschow, JD Haynes, JA Gottfried
Nature neuroscience 12 (7), 932-938, 2009
Attention to odor modulates thalamocortical connectivity in the human brain
J Plailly, JD Howard, DR Gitelman, JA Gottfried
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (20), 5257-5267, 2008
Identity-specific coding of future rewards in the human orbitofrontal cortex
JD Howard, JA Gottfried, PN Tobler, T Kahnt
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (16), 5195-5200, 2015
Stimulus-specific enhancement of fear extinction during slow-wave sleep
KK Hauner, JD Howard, C Zelano, JA Gottfried
Nature neuroscience 16 (11), 1553-1555, 2013
Cerebellum, language, and cognition in autism and specific language impairment
SM Hodge, N Makris, DN Kennedy, VS Caviness, J Howard, L McGrath, ...
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 40, 300-316, 2010
White matter abnormalities in children with and at risk for bipolar disorder
JA Frazier, JL Breeze, G Papadimitriou, DN Kennedy, SM Hodge, ...
Bipolar disorders 9 (8), 799-809, 2007
Right orbitofrontal cortex mediates conscious olfactory perception
W Li, L Lopez, J Osher, JD Howard, TB Parrish, JA Gottfried
Psychological science 21 (10), 1454-1463, 2010
Grid-like neural representations support olfactory navigation of a two-dimensional odor space
X Bao, E Gjorgieva, LK Shanahan, JD Howard, T Kahnt, JA Gottfried
Neuron 102 (5), 1066-1075. e5, 2019
Differential representations of prior and likelihood uncertainty in the human brain
I Vilares, JD Howard, HL Fernandes, JA Gottfried, KP Kording
Current Biology 22 (18), 1641-1648, 2012
A diffusion tensor imaging study of white matter in obsessive–compulsive disorder
PA Cannistraro, N Makris, JD Howard, MM Wedig, SM Hodge, S Wilhelm, ...
Depression and anxiety 24 (6), 440-446, 2007
Disruption of odour quality coding in piriform cortex mediates olfactory deficits in Alzheimer’s disease
W Li, JD Howard, JA Gottfried
Brain 133 (9), 2714-2726, 2010
Identity-specific reward representations in orbitofrontal cortex are modulated by selective devaluation
JD Howard, T Kahnt
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (10), 2627-2638, 2017
Identity prediction errors in the human midbrain update reward-identity expectations in the orbitofrontal cortex
JD Howard, T Kahnt
Nature communications 9 (1), 1611, 2018
Olfactory input is critical for sustaining odor quality codes in human orbitofrontal cortex
KN Wu, BK Tan, JD Howard, DB Conley, JA Gottfried
Nature neuroscience 15 (9), 1313-1319, 2012
Targeted stimulation of human orbitofrontal networks disrupts outcome-guided behavior
JD Howard, R Reynolds, DE Smith, JL Voss, G Schoenbaum, T Kahnt
Current Biology 30 (3), 490-498. e4, 2020
Configural and elemental coding of natural odor mixture components in the human brain
JD Howard, JA Gottfried
Neuron 84 (4), 857-869, 2014
Dopamine neuron ensembles signal the content of sensory prediction errors
TA Stalnaker, JD Howard, YK Takahashi, SJ Gershman, T Kahnt, ...
Elife 8, e49315, 2019
Converging prefrontal pathways support associative and perceptual features of conditioned stimuli
JD Howard, T Kahnt, JA Gottfried
Nature communications 7 (1), 11546, 2016
To be specific: The role of orbitofrontal cortex in signaling reward identity.
JD Howard, T Kahnt
Behavioral neuroscience 135 (2), 210, 2021
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