Cédric Batailler
Cédric Batailler
Graduate student, Univ. Grenoble Alpes
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Cited by
A multilab preregistered replication of the ego-depletion effect
MS Hagger, NLD Chatzisarantis, H Alberts, CO Anggono, C Batailler, ...
Perspectives on Psychological Science 11 (4), 546-573, 2016
New recommendations for testing indirect effects in mediational models: the need to report and test component paths
VY Yzerbyt, D Muller, C Batailler, CM Judd
Journal of personality and social psychology 115 (6), 929-943, 2018
An Introduction to Bayesian Multilevel Models Using brms: A Case Study of Gender Effects on Vowel Variability in Standard Indonesian
L Nalborczyk, C Batailler, H Lœvenbruck, A Vilain, PC Bürkner
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 62 (5), 1225-1242, 2019
A Signal Detection Approach to Understanding the Identification of Fake News
C Batailler, SM Brannon, PE Teas, B Gawronski
Perspective on Psychological Science, 2021
A new look at sensorimotor aspects in approach/avoidance tendencies: The role of visual whole-body movement information
M Rougier, D Muller, F Ric, T Alexopoulos, C Batailler, A Smeding, ...
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 76, 42-53, 2018
Toward the use of approach/avoidance tendencies as attitude measures: Individual‐and group‐level variability of the ingroup bias
M Rougier, D Muller, R Courset, A Smeding, T Devos, C Batailler
European Journal of Social Psychology 50 (4), 857-875, 2020
Activity types and child-directed speech: a comparison between French, Tunisian Arabic and English
L Glas, C Rossi, R Hamdi-Sultan, C Batailler, H Bellemmouche
Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique 63 (4), 633-666, 2018
Math approach training changes implicit identification with math: A close preregistered replication
C Batailler, D Muller, C Nurra, M Rougier, D Trouilloud
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 92, 104059, 2021
Package ‘JSmediation’
C Batailler, D Muller, V Yzerbyt, C Judd, A Ho, N Kteily, J Chen, S Dohle, ...
The Comprehensive R Archive Network, 2020
On the contribution of repeated experience to evaluative learning: An approach-avoidance procedure investigation
C Batailler
Université Grenoble Alpes [2020-....], 2021
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Articles 1–10