Lynda Chehami
Lynda Chehami
Maître de conférences, responsable pédagogique de la Licence Physique Chimie: Université
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Detection and localization of a defect in a reverberant plate using acoustic field correlation
L Chehami, E Moulin, J de Rosny, C Prada, O Bou Matar, F Benmeddour, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 115 (10), 2014
Visualization of subsurface damage in woven carbon fiber-reinforced composites using polarization-sensitive terahertz imaging
J Dong, P Pomarède, L Chehami, A Locquet, F Meraghni, NF Declercq, ...
NDT & E International 99, 72-79, 2018
Experimental study of passive defect localization in plates using ambient noise
L Chehami, J De Rosny, C Prada, E Moulin, J Assaad
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 62 …, 2015
Nonlinear secondary noise sources for passive defect detection using ultrasound sensors
L Chehami, E Moulin, J de Rosny, C Prada, E Chatelet, G Lacerra, ...
Journal of sound and Vibration 386, 283-294, 2017
Source localisation in a reverberant plate using average coda properties and early signal strength
H Achdjian, E Moulin, F Benmeddour, J Assaad, L Chehami
Acta Acustica united with Acustica 100 (5), 834-841, 2014
Monitoring saltwater corrosion of steel using ultrasonic coda wave interferometry with temperature control
M Farin, E Moulin, L Chehami, F Benmeddour, C Nicard, P Campistron, ...
Ultrasonics 124, 106753, 2022
Application of ultrasonic coda wave interferometry for micro-cracks monitoring in woven fabric composites
P Pomarède, L Chehami, NF Declercq, F Meraghni, J Dong, A Locquet, ...
Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 38, 1-8, 2019
The transmission spectrum of sound through a phononic crystal subjected to liquid flow
NF Declercq, L Chehami, RP Moiseyenko
Applied Physics Letters 112 (2), 2018
Pump-probe localization technique of varying solid contacts
M Terzi, L Chehami, M Farin, E Moulin, V Aleshin, N Smagin, J de Rosny, ...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 149 (5), 2943-2949, 2021
Ultrasonic guided waves for reinforced plastics safety
S Yaacoubi, L Chehami, M Aouini, NF Declercq
Reinforced Plastics 61 (2), 87-91, 2017
Experimental study of passive defect detection and localization in thin plates from noise correlation
L Chehami, E Moulin, J de Rosny, C Prada, J Assaad, F Benmeddour
Physics Procedia 70, 322-325, 2015
Accuracy of Green's function estimation from correlation of diffuse elastic waves on thin plates
L Chehami, E Moulin, J de Rosny, C Prada
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 146 (5), 3505-3511, 2019
Reverberation of flexural waves scattered by a local heterogeneity in a plate
H Achdjian, E Moulin, F Benmeddour, J Assaad, L Dupont, L Chehami
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 140 (1), 157-164, 2016
Extraction des fonctions de Green par corrélation de bruit: application pour la détection et l'imagerie de défaut dans des plaques minces réverbérantes
L Chehami, E Moulin, J Assaad, J de Rosny, C Prada, F Benmeddour, ...
Secondes Journées Franco-Libanaises, Avancées de la Recherche et de ses …, 2013
Passive defect detection in plate from nonlinear conversion of low-frequency vibrational noise
E Moulin, L Chehami, J Assaad, J de Rosny, C Prada, E Chatelet, ...
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 140 (4_Supplement), 3002-3002, 2016
Surveillance passive des milieux réverbérants par corrélation de bruit ambiant: application à la localisation de défauts
L Chehami
Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambresis, 2015
Monitoring of generalised corrosion: Ultrasonic coda wave interferometry technique applied to steel corrosion in aqueous NaCl solutions
C Nicard, M Farin, E Moulin, D Balloy, IP Serre
Materials Chemistry and Physics 305, 127908, 2023
High voltage excitation and nonlinear transmission of a 16 MHz AlN-based piezoelectric micro-machined ultrasonic transducer
W Liu, W Xu, J Zhou, N Smagin, M Toubai, L He, X Wang, H Yu, Y Gu, ...
2018 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 1-4, 2018
Détection de l'endommagement dans un composite tissé PA66, 6/Fibres de verre à l'aide de techniques ultrasonores en vue d'une prédiction de la durabilité de pièces automobiles
P Pomarede
Ecole nationale supérieure d'arts et métiers-ENSAM, 2018
Exploitation of the reverberant propagation of elastic waves in structures: towards a concept of low-resource SHM sensor network
E Moulin, F Benmeddour, H Achdjian, L Chehami, J Assaad, J de Rosny, ...
Physics Procedia 70, 618-621, 2015
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