Jingjing Xiao
Jingjing Xiao
Director, Bio-Med Informatics Research Center, Xinqiao Hospital, Army Medical University, China
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The visual object tracking vot2016 challenge results
G Roffo, S Melzi
Computer Vision--ECCV 2016 Workshops: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 8 …, 2016
Robust fusion of color and depth data for RGB-D target tracking using adaptive range-invariant depth models and spatio-temporal consistency constraints
J Xiao, R Stolkin, Y Gao, A Leonardis
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 48 (8), 2485-2499, 2018
Single target tracking using adaptive clustered decision trees and dynamic multi-level appearance models
J Xiao, R Stolkin, A Leonardis
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2015
Contrast-enhanced CT radiomics for predicting lymph node metastasis in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: a pilot study
K Li, Q Yao, J Xiao, M Li, J Yang, W Hou, M Du, K Chen, Y Qu, L Li, J Li, ...
Cancer Imaging 20, 1-10, 2020
PAM-DenseNet: A deep convolutional neural network for computer-aided COVID-19 diagnosis
B Xiao, Z Yang, X Qiu, J Xiao, G Wang, W Zeng, W Li, Y Nian, W Chen
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 52 (11), 12163-12174, 2021
Deep convolutional radiomic features on diffusion tensor images for classification of glioma grades
Z Zhang, J Xiao, S Wu, F Lv, J Gong, L Jiang, R Yu, T Luo
Journal of Digital Imaging 33, 826-837, 2020
Distractor-supported single target tracking in extremely cluttered scenes
J Xiao, L Qiao, R Stolkin, A Leonardis
Computer Vision–ECCV 2016: 14th European Conference, Amsterdam, The …, 2016
Continuously adaptive data fusion and model re-learning for particle filter tracking with multiple features
J Xiao, R Stolkin, M Oussalah, A Leonardis
IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (8), 2639 - 2649, 2016
An enhanced adaptive coupled-layer LGTracker++
J Xiao, R Stolkin, A Leonardis
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2013
Association of radiomic imaging features and gene expression profile as prognostic factors in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
K Li, J Xiao, J Yang, M Li, X Xiong, Y Nian, L Qiao, H Wang, A Eresen, ...
American journal of translational research 11 (7), 4491, 2019
Distributed Collaborative Camera Actuation Scheme Based on Sensing-Region Management for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
W Luo, Q Lu, J Xiao
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 2012, 2012
Vehicle Logo Recognition by Spatial-SIFT Combined with Logistic Regression
R Chen, M Hawes, L Mihaylova, J Xiao, W Liu
Proceedings of Fusion 2016, 2016
Collaborative Tracking for Multiple Objects in the Presence of Inter-occlusions
J Xiao, M Oussalah
Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions on 26 (2), 304 …, 2015
Prediction of multiple organ failure complicated by moderately severe or severe acute pancreatitis based on machine learning: a multicenter cohort study
F Xu, X Chen, C Li, J Liu, Q Qiu, M He, J Xiao, Z Liu, B Ji, D Chen, K Liu
Mediators of Inflammation 2021 (1), 5525118, 2021
Semi-NMF-based reconstruction for hyperspectral compressed sensing
Z Wang, M He, L Wang, K Xu, J Xiao, Y Nian
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2020
Target-Aware Correlation Filter Tracking in RGBD Videos
Y Kuai, G Wen, D Li, J Xiao
IEEE Sensors Journal 19 (20), 9522-9531, 2019
Learning Target-Aware Correlation Filters for Visual Tracking
FP Dongdong Li, Gongjian Wen, Yangliu Kuai, Jingjing Xiao
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 58, 149-159, 2019
LGT/VOT tracking performance evaluation of depth images
H Haggag, M Hossny, S Haggag, J Xiao, S Nahavandi, D Creighton
2014 9th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SOSE …, 2014
Correlation Filter Tracking: Beyond an Open-loop System
Q Hu, Y Guo, Y Chen, J Xiao, W An
BMVC, 2017
Admmirnn: Training rnn with stable convergence via an efficient admm approach
Y Tang, Z Kan, D Sun, L Qiao, J Xiao, Z Lai, D Li
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2021
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Articles 1–20