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Feeling bumps and holes without a haptic interface: the perception of pseudo-haptic textures
A Lécuyer, JM Burkhardt, L Etienne
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems …, 2004
Spatio-temporal trajectory analysis of mobile objects following the same itinerary
L Etienne, T Devogele, A Bouju
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling (SDH), 86-91, 2010
Mobility Data: Modelling Management and Understanding
T Devogele, L Etienne, C Ray
C. Renso, S. Spaccapietra, E. Zimányi, 2013
Making sense of Arctic maritime traffic using the polar operational limits assessment risk indexing system (POLARIS)
MA Stoddard, L Etienne, M Fournier, R Pelot, L Beveridge
IOP Conference series: Earth and environmental science 34 (1), 012034, 2016
Mapping and analysis of maritime accidents in the Russian Arctic through the lens of the Polar Code and POLARIS system
L Fedi, O Faury, L Etienne
Marine Policy 118, 103984, 2020
Trajectory Box Plot: a new pattern to summarize movements
L Etienne, T Devogele, M Buchin, G McArdle
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 30 (5), 835-853, 2016
Arctic navigation: stakes, benefits and limits of the POLARIS system
L Fedi, L Etienne, O Faury, P Rigot Muller, S Stephenson, A Cheaitou
The Journal of Ocean Technology 13 (4), 54-67, 2018
Optimized discrete fréchet distance between trajectories
T Devogele, L Etienne, M Esnault, F Lardy
Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Analytics for Big …, 2017
Motifs spatio-temporels de trajectoires d'objets mobiles, de l'extraction à la détection de comportements inhabituels. Application au trafic maritime.
L Etienne
Université de Bretagne occidentale-Brest, 2011
Impact of CO2 emission taxation and fuel types on Arctic shipping attractiveness
A Cheaitou, O Faury, L Etienne, L Fedi, P Rigot-Müller, S Stephenson
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 112, 103491, 2022
Spatio-Temporal Rule-based Analysis of Maritime Traffic
C Ray, A Grancher, R Thibaud, L Etienne
Third Conference on Ocean & Coastal Observation: Sensors and Observing …, 2013
A contextual edit distance for semantic trajectories
C Moreau, T Devogele, V Peralta, L Etienne
Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 635-637, 2020
The role of polarseaworthiness in shipping planning for infrastructure projects in the Arctic: The case of Yamal LNG plant
P Rigot-Müller, A Cheaitou, L Etienne, O Faury, L Fedi
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 155, 330-353, 2022
Analyse de similarité de trajectoires d'objets mobiles suivant le même itinéraire: Application aux trajectoires de navires
L Etienne, T Devogele, A Bouju
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information-Série ISI: Ingénierie …, 2009
Maritime data processing in relational databases
L Etienne, C Ray, E Camossi, C Iphar
Guide to Maritime Informatics, 73-118, 2021
11 Maritime network monitoring
L Etienne, E Alincourt, T Devogele
Maritime Networks: Spatial structures and time dynamics, 190, 2015
State of the art in patterns for point cluster analysis
L Etienne, T Devogele, G McArdle
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2014: 14th International …, 2014
From raw sensor data to semantic trajectories
F Bisone, T Devogele, L Etienne
Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on the Use of …, 2019
From sensing to Sense-Making: Assessing and visualizing ship operational limitations in the Canadian Arctic using open-access ice data
MA Stoddard, L Etienne, R Pelot, M Fournier, L Beveridge
Sustainable Shipping in a Changing Arctic, 99-113, 2018
Smartloire: A web mashup based tool for personalized touristic plans construction
M Boulakbech, N Messai, Y Sam, T Devogele, L Etienne
2016 IEEE 25th International Conference on Enabling Technologies …, 2016
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Articles 1–20