Mines Paris - PSL / CRC
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A Bayesian network to manage risks of maritime piracy against offshore oil fields
A Bouejla, X Chaze, F Guarnieri, A Napoli
Safety Science 68, 222-230, 2014
DeAIS project: Detection of AIS spoofing and resulting risks
C Ray, R Gallen, C Iphar, A Napoli, A Bouju
OCEANS 2015-Genova, 1-6, 2015
Detection of false AIS messages for the improvement of maritime situational awareness
C Iphar, A Napoli, C Ray
Oceans 2015-mts/ieee washington, 1-7, 2015
Data integrity assessment for maritime anomaly detection
C Iphar, C Ray, A Napoli
Expert Systems with Applications 147, 113219, 2020
Spatial ontologies for detecting abnormal maritime behaviour
A Vandecasteele, A Napoli
2012 Oceans-Yeosu, 1-7, 2012
From movement data to objects behavior using semantic trajectory and semantic events
A Vandecasteele, R Devillers, A Napoli
Marine Geodesy 37 (2), 126-144, 2014
An expert-based method for the risk assessment of anomalous maritime transportation data
C Iphar, A Napoli, C Ray
Applied Ocean Research 104, 102337, 2020
An enhanced spatial reasoning ontology for maritime anomaly detection
A Vandecasteele, A Napoli
2012 7th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SoSE), 1-6, 2012
The automatic identification system of maritime accident risk using rule-based reasoning
B Idiri, A Napoli
2012 7th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SoSE …, 2012
Risk Analysis of falsified Automatic Identification System for the improvement of maritime traffic safety
C Iphar, A Napoli, C Ray, E Alincourt, D Brosset
ESREL 2016, 606-613-ISBN 978-1-138-02997-2, 2016
Uses and misuses of the automatic identification system
C Iphar, C Ray, A Napoli
OCeAnS 2019-Marseille, 1-10, 2019
Guiding the controller in geovisual analytics to improve maritime surveillance
G Vatin, A Napoli
GEOProcessing 2013: the Fifth International Conference on Advanced …, 2013
Methodology for real-time detection of AIS falsification
C Ray, C Iphar, A Napoli
Maritime Knowledge Discovery and Anomaly Detection Workshop, 74-77-ISBN 978 …, 2016
Surveillance et contrôle des activités des navires en mer: ScanMaris
M Morel, A Napoli, A Littaye, JP George, F Jangal, B Alhadef, C Scapel, ...
Workshop Interdisciplinaire sur la Sécurité Globale-WISG 2008, 12 pages, 2008
A semi-supervised learning framework based on spatio-temporal semantic events for maritime anomaly detection and behavior analysis
A Vandecasteele, R Devillers, A Napoli
CoastGIS 2013-The 11th International Symposium for GIS and Computer …, 2013
Integration of a Bayesian network for response planning in a maritime piracy risk management system
X Chaze, A Bouejla, A Napoli, F Guarnieri
2012 7th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SoSE …, 2012
Data quality assessment for maritime situation awareness
C Iphar, A Napoli, C Ray
ISSDQ 2015-The 9th International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality 2, 2015
Découverte de règles d'association pour l'aide à la prévision des accidents maritimes
B Idiri, A Napoli
Revue Des Nouvelles Technologies de l'information, pages 243-248-ISBN 978-2 …, 2012
TAMARIS: Traitement et Authentification des MenAces et RISques en mer
M Morel, V Flori, C Saurel, O Poirel, A Napoli, P Salom, ...
Conférence WISG-Workshop Interdisciplinaire sur la Sécurité Globale, 4 pages, 2010
Toward a complete system for surveillance of the whole EEZ: SCANMARIS and associated projects
F Jangal, JP Georgé, A Bonnot, MA Giraud, M Morel, A Napoli, A Littaye
OCEANS 2009, 1-4, 2009
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Articles 1–20