Gender, race and parenthood impact academic productivity during the COVID-19 pandemic: from survey to action F Staniscuaski, L Kmetzsch, RC Soletti, F Reichert, E Zandonà, ... Frontiers in psychology 12, 663252, 2021 | 336 | 2021 |
Impact of COVID-19 on academic mothers F Staniscuaski, F Reichert, FP Werneck, L de Oliveira, PB Mello-Carpes, ... Science 368 (6492), 724-724, 2020 | 242 | 2020 |
The nucleus of the solitary tract→ nucleus paragigantocellularis→ locus coeruleus→ CA1 region of dorsal hippocampus pathway is important for consolidation of object … PB Mello-Carpes, I Izquierdo Neurobiology of learning and memory 100, 56-63, 2013 | 139 | 2013 |
Effects of acute and chronic physical exercise and stress on different types of memory in rats PB Mello, F Benetti, M Cammarota, I Izquierdo Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 80, 301-309, 2008 | 117 | 2008 |
Environmental enrichment and exercise are better than social enrichment to reduce memory deficits in amyloid beta neurotoxicity MG Prado Lima, HL Schimidt, A Garcia, LR Daré, FP Carpes, I Izquierdo, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (10), E2403-E2409, 2018 | 111 | 2018 |
Green tea supplementation produces better neuroprotective effects than red and black tea in Alzheimer-like rat model HL Schimidt, A Garcia, A Martins, PB Mello-Carpes, FP Carpes Food Research International 100, 442-448, 2017 | 111 | 2017 |
Hemispheric brain injury and behavioral deficits induced by severe neonatal hypoxia-ischemia in rats are not attenuated by intravenous administration of human umbilical cord … S de Paula, AS Vitola, S Greggio, D de Paula, PB Mello, JM Lubianca, ... Pediatric research 65 (6), 631-635, 2009 | 110 | 2009 |
Memory deficits and oxidative stress in cerebral ischemia–reperfusion: Neuroprotective role of physical exercise and green tea supplementation HL Schimidt, A Vieira, C Altermann, A Martins, P Sosa, FW Santos, ... Neurobiology of learning and memory 114, 242-250, 2014 | 100 | 2014 |
Physical exercise can reverse the deficit in fear memory induced by maternal deprivation PB Mello, F Benetti, M Cammarota, I Izquierdo Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 92 (3), 364-369, 2009 | 97 | 2009 |
Early postnatal maternal deprivation in rats induces memory deficits in adult life that can be reversed by donepezil and galantamine F Benetti, PB Mello, JS Bonini, S Monteiro, M Cammarota, I Izquierdo International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 27 (1), 59-64, 2009 | 90 | 2009 |
Facilitation of fear extinction by novelty depends on dopamine acting on D1-subtype dopamine receptors in hippocampus J Menezes, N Alves, S Borges, R Roehrs, J de Carvalho Myskiw, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (13), E1652-E1658, 2015 | 86 | 2015 |
Effect of green tea extract supplementation on exercise-induced delayed onset muscle soreness and muscular damage W da Silva, ÁS Machado, MA Souza, PB Mello-Carpes, FP Carpes Physiology & behavior 194, 77-82, 2018 | 83 | 2018 |
The evidence for hippocampal long-term potentiation as a basis of memory for simple tasks I Izquierdo, M Cammarota, WCD Silva, LRM Bevilaqua, JI Rossato, ... Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 80, 115-127, 2008 | 74 | 2008 |
Hippocampal noradrenergic activation is necessary for object recognition memory consolidation and can promote BDNF increase and memory persistence PB Mello-Carpes, LS de Vargas, MC Gayer, R Roehrs, I Izquierdo Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 127, 84-92, 2016 | 73 | 2016 |
Student assessment of online tools to foster engagement during the COVID-19 quarantine KR Lima, BHS das Neves, CC Ramires, M dos Santos Soares, VÁ Martini, ... Advances in physiology education 44 (4), 679-683, 2020 | 62 | 2020 |
Aluminum exposure at human dietary levels for 60 days reaches a threshold sufficient to promote memory impairment in rats CS Martinez, CDC Alterman, FM Peçanha, DV Vassallo, PB Mello-Carpes, ... Neurotoxicity research 31, 20-30, 2017 | 53 | 2017 |
da Silva de Vargas L, Gayer MC, Roehrs R, Izquierdo I. Hippocampal noradrenergic activation is necessary for object recognition memory consolidation and can promote BDNF … PB Mello-Carpes Neurobiol Learn Mem 127, 84-92, 2016 | 50 | 2016 |
Avaliação das funções cognitivas, qualidade de sono, tempo de reação e risco de quedas em idosos institucionalizados D Gonçalves, C Altermann, A Vieira, AP Machado, R Fernandes, ... Estudos Interdisciplinares sobre o envelhecimento 19 (1), 2014 | 50 | 2014 |
Physical exercise prevents short and long-term deficits on aversive and recognition memory and attenuates brain oxidative damage induced by maternal deprivation BH Neves, J Menezes, MA Souza, PB Mello-Carpes Physiology & behavior 152, 99-105, 2015 | 48 | 2015 |
One-single physical exercise session after object recognition learning promotes memory persistence through hippocampal noradrenergic mechanisms LS de Vargas, BHS das Neves, R Roehrs, I Izquierdo, P Mello-Carpes Behavioural brain research 329, 120-126, 2017 | 45 | 2017 |