Laboratoire d'Océanologie et de Géosciences, Wimereux, France
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Coastal retreat and shoreface profile variations in the Canadian Beaufort Sea
A Hequette, PW Barnes
Marine Geology 91 (1-2), 113-132, 1990
Storm-generated currents and offshore sediment transport on a sandy shoreface, Tibjak Beach, Canadian Beaufort Sea
A Héquette, PR Hill
Marine geology 113 (3-4), 283-304, 1993
The grain-size characterisation of coastal sand from the Somme estuary to Belgium: Sediment sorting processes and mixing in a tide-and storm-dominated setting
EJ Anthony, A Héquette
Sedimentary Geology 202 (3), 369-382, 2007
Sediment transport under wave and current combined flows on a tide-dominated shoreface, northern coast of France
A Héquette, Y Hemdane, EJ Anthony
Marine geology 249 (3-4), 226-242, 2008
Spit and barrier island migration in the southeastern Canadian Beaufort Sea
A Hequette, MH Ruz
Journal of Coastal Research, 677-698, 1991
The influence of coastal morphology on shoreface sediment transport under storm-combined flows, Canadian Beaufort Sea
A Hequette, M Desrosiers, PR Hill, DL Forbes
Journal of coastal research, 507-516, 2001
Diatoms from the Beaufort Sea coast, southern Arctic Ocean (Canada)
S Campeau
Bibliotheca diatomologica 42, Pl. 1-Pl. 14, 1999
A model of coastal evolution in a transgressed thermokarst topography, Canadian Beaufort Sea
MH Ruz, A Héquette, PR Hill
Marine Geology 106 (3-4), 251-278, 1992
Holocene sea-level history of the Canadian Beaufort shelf
PR Hill, A Héquette, MH Ruz
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 30 (1), 103-108, 1993
Sea ice scouring on the inner shelf of the southeastern Canadian Beaufort Sea
A Héquette, M Desrosiers, PW Barnes
Marine Geology 128 (3-4), 201-219, 1995
The influence of nearshore sand bank dynamics on shoreline evolution in a macrotidal coastal environment, Calais, Northern France
A Hequette, D Aernouts
Continental Shelf Research 30 (12), 1349-1361, 2010
L’évolution du rivage et des petits-fonds en baie de Wissant pendant le XXe siècle (Pas-de-Calais, France)
D Aernouts, A Héquette
Géomorphologie: relief, processus, environnement 12 (1), 49-64, 2006
Morphodynamics of beach/dune systems: examples from the coast of France
F Sabatier, EJ Anthony, A Héquette, S Suanez, J Musereau, MH Ruz, ...
Géomorphologie: relief, processus, environnement 15 (1), 3-22, 2009
Storm surges and erosion of coastal dunes between 1957 and 1988 near Dunkerque (France), southwestern North Sea
B Vasseur, A Hequette
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 175 (1), 99-107, 2000
Spatial variability in post-storm beach recovery along a macrotidal barred beach, southern North Sea
A Maspataud, MH Ruz, A Héquette
Journal of Coastal Research, 88-92, 2009
Changes in storminess and shoreline evolution along the northern coast of France during the second half of the 20th century
S Chaverot, A Héquette, O Cohen
Identifying forcing conditions responsible for foredune erosion on the northern coast of France
MH Ruz, A Héquette, A Maspataud
Journal of Coastal Research 56, 356-360, 2009
Diatoms as quantitative paleodepth indicators in coastal areas of the southeastern Beaufort Sea, Arctic Ocean
S Campeau, R Pienitz, A Héquette
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 146 (1-4), 67-97, 1999
Response of the seabed to storm-generated combined flows on a sandy arctic shoreface, Canadian Beaufort Sea
A Hequette, PR Hill
Journal of Sedimentary Research 65 (3a), 461-471, 1995
Alongshore variability in coastal dune erosion and post-storm recovery, northern coast of France
A Héquette, MH Ruz, A Zemmour, D Marin, A Cartier, V Sipka
Journal of Coastal Research 88 (SI), 25-45, 2019
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