Jean Jacques Loiseau
Jean Jacques Loiseau
Chercheur CNRS, Ecole Centrale de Nantes
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Applications of time delay systems
J Chiasson, JJ Loiseau
Springer, 2007
Fractional order adaptive high-gain controllers for a class of linear systems
S Ladaci, JJ Loiseau, A Charef
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 13 (4), 707-714, 2008
Topics in time delay systems: analysis, algorithms and control
JJ Loiseau, W Michiels, SI Niculescu, R Sipahi
Springer Science & Business Media, 2009
Stick-slip oscillations in oillwell drilstrings: distributed parameter and neutral type retarded model approaches
B Saldivar, S Mondié, JJ Loiseau, V Rasvan
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44 (1), 284-289, 2011
Max-plus control design for temporal constraints meeting in timed event graphs
S Amari, I Demongodin, JJ Loiseau, C Martinez
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 57 (2), 462-467, 2011
Feedback canonical forms of singular systems
JJ Loiseau, K Özçaldiran, M Malabre, N Karcanias
Kybernetika 27 (4), 289-305, 1991
Algebraic tools for the control and stabilization of time-delay systems
JJ Loiseau
Annual Reviews in Control 24, 135-149, 2000
Duality between invariant spaces for max-plus linear discrete event systems
M Di Loreto, S Gaubert, RD Katz, JJ Loiseau
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 48 (8), 5606-5628, 2010
Robust fractional adaptive control based on the strictly positive realness condition
S Ladaci, A Charef, JJ Loiseau
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 19 (1), 69-76, 2009
An effective algorithm for finite spectrum assignment of single-input systems with delays
D Brethé, JJ Loiseau
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 45 (3-4), 339-348, 1998
Some geometric considerations about the Kronecker normal form
JJ Loiseau
International Journal of Control 42 (6), 1411-1431, 1985
Suppressing axial-torsional coupled vibrations in drillstrings
B Saldivar, S Mondié, JJ Loiseau, V Rasvan
Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics 15 (1), 3-10, 2013
Neutral‐type time‐delay systems that are not formally stable are not BIBO stabilizable
JJ Loiseau, M Cardelli, X Dusser
IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 19 (1_and_2), 217-227, 2002
Assigning the Kronecker invariants of a matrix pencil by row or column completions
JJ Loiseau, S Mondié, I Zaballa, P Zagalak
Linear algebra and its applications 278 (1-3), 327-336, 1998
Fractional order adaptive controller for stabilised systems via high‐gain feedback
A Charef, M Assabaa, S Ladaci, JJ Loiseau
IET Control Theory & Applications 7 (6), 822-828, 2013
Sur la modification de la structure à l’infini par un retour d’état statique
JJ Loiseau
SIAM journal on control and optimization 26 (2), 251-273, 1988
A result that could bear fruit for the control of delay-differential systems
D Brethé, JJ Loiseau
Proc. 4th IEEE Mediterranean Symp. Control Automation, 168-172, 1996
Adaptive internal model control with fractional order parameter
S Ladaci, JJ Loiseau, A Charef
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 24 (11), 944-960, 2010
Fractional order extremum seeking approach for maximum power point tracking of photovoltaic panels
A Neçaibia, S Ladaci, A Charef, JJ Loiseau
Frontiers in Energy 9 (1), 43-53, 2015
Image encryption based on fractional chaotic pseudo-random number generator and DNA encryption method
C Yang, I Taralova, S El Assad, JJ Loiseau
Nonlinear Dynamics 109 (3), 2103-2127, 2022
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Articles 1–20