Béatrice Boulu-Reshef
Béatrice Boulu-Reshef
Université d'Orléans, Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orléans
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Prediction‐and control‐based strategies in entrepreneurship: The role of information
G Kuechle, B Boulu‐Reshef, SD Carr
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 10 (1), 43-64, 2016
Balancing acquisition and retention spending for firms with limited capacity
A Ovchinnikov, B Boulu-Reshef, PE Pfeifer
Management science 60 (8), 2002-2019, 2014
The impact of leader communication on free-riding: An incentivized experiment with empowering and directive styles
B Boulu-Reshef, CA Holt, MS Rodgers, MC Thomas-Hunt
The Leadership Quarterly 31 (3), 101351, 2020
Toward a personal identity argument to combine potentially conflicting social identities
B Boulu-Reshef
Review of Social Economy 73 (1), 1-18, 2015
Does uncertainty deter provision of public goods?
B Boulu-Reshef, SH Brott, A Zylbersztejn
Revue économique 5 (5), 785-791, 2017
Risk aversion in prediction markets: A framed-field experiment
B Boulu-Reshef, I Comeig, R Donze, GD Weiss
Journal of Business Research 69 (11), 5071-5075, 2016
Economics of identity and economics of the firm: why and how their three central questions overlap
B Boulu-Reshef
Journal of Institutional Economics 9 (3), 363-379, 2013
Lutte contre les cartels: comment dissuader les têtes brûlées?
B Boulu-Reshef, C Monnier-Schlumberger
Revue économique 70 (6), 1187-1199, 2019
Courtship behavior: The Out-of-my-league effect
F Le Lec, T Alexopoulos, B Boulu-Reshef, MP Fayant, F Zenasni, T Lubart, ...
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40, e32, 2017
The impact of distance on parochial altruism: An experimental investigation
B Boulu-Reshef, J Schulhofer-Wohl
European Journal of Political Economy 75, 102222, 2022
An experimental analysis of investor sentiment
B Boulu-Reshef, C Bruneau, M Nicolas, T Renault
Behavioral Finance and Asset Prices: The Influence of Investor's Emotions …, 2022
When prosocial investments signal trustworthiness: Theory and experiment
B Boulu-Reshef, G Kuechle, L Rohland
Available at SSRN 3190425, 2021
Signaling trustworthiness with the choice of a prosocial project: Theory and experiment
B Boulu-Reshef, G Kuechle, LM Rohland
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 108, 102146, 2024
Preemptive signaling and the emergence of trust in entrepreneurial investments
B Boulu-Reshef, G Kuechle
Available at SSRN 4477419, 2023
The role of social esteem in the trust game with preemptive signaling
B Boulu-Reshef, G Kuechle
SSRN, 2023
Algorithmic vs. Human Portfolio Choice
B Boulu-Reshef, A Direr, N von Wilczur
LEO Working Papers/DR LEO, 2022
Punitive attitudes towards cartels: Evidence from an experimental study
B Boulu-Reshef, C Monnier-Schlumberger
Available at SSRN 4774432, 2024
The trust-to-investment experimental framework for studying entrepreneurship
B Boulu-Reshef, A Calmettes, K Istrefi, G Kuechle, S Mun, LM Rohland
Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat/Review of Entrepreneurship 23 (1), 45-66, 2024
Do Sanctions or Moral Costs Prevent the Formation of Cartel-Type Agreements?
B Boulu-Reshef, C Monnier-Schlumberger
Available at SSRN 4353082, 2023
Possible in Economics
B Boulu-Reshef
The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible, 1096-1103, 2023
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