Carolyn J Anderson
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A p* primer: Logit models for social networks
CJ Anderson, S Wasserman, B Crouch
Social networks 21 (1), 37-66, 1999
Online racial discrimination and the protective function of ethnic identity and self-esteem for African American adolescents.
BM Tynes, AJ Umana-Taylor, CA Rose, J Lin, CJ Anderson
Developmental psychology 48 (2), 343, 2012
Achievement goals and achievement during early adolescence: examining time-varying predictor and outcome variables in growth-curve analysis.
SS Shim, AM Ryan, CJ Anderson
Journal of Educational psychology 100 (3), 655, 2008
Pre-service teachers’ empathy and cognitions: Statistical analysis of text data by graphical models
S Tettegah, CJ Anderson
Contemporary Educational Psychology 32 (1), 48-82, 2007
Building stochastic blockmodels
CJ Anderson, S Wasserman, K Faust
Social networks 14 (1-2), 137-161, 1992
Stochastic a posteriori blockmodels: Construction and assessment
S Wasserman, C Anderson
Social networks 9 (1), 1-36, 1987
Psychosocial costs of racism to Whites: Understanding patterns among university students.
LB Spanierman, NR Todd, CJ Anderson
Journal of Counseling Psychology 56 (2), 239, 2009
Developmental changes in sexual prejudice from early to late adolescence: the effects of gender, race, and ideology on different patterns of change.
VP Poteat, CJ Anderson
Developmental psychology 48 (5), 1403, 2012
A theory of perceived risk and attractiveness
EU Weber, CJ Anderson, MH Birnbaum
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 52 (3), 492-523, 1992
The effects of print exposure on sentence processing and memory in older adults: Evidence for efficiency and reserve
BR Payne, X Gao, SR Noh, CJ Anderson, EAL Stine-Morrow
Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition 19 (1-2), 122-149, 2012
Validity and topic generality of a writing performance test
HK Lee, C Anderson
Language testing 24 (3), 307-330, 2007
Beliefs about affirmative action: A test of the group self-interest and racism beliefs models.
E Oh, CC Choi, HA Neville, CJ Anderson, J Landrum-Brown
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 3 (3), 163, 2010
Bullying, sexual, and dating violence trajectories from early to late adolescence
DL Espelage, SK Low, C Anderson, L De La Rue
Methodology 9 (11), 1-73, 2014
Applied generalized linear mixed models: Continuous and discrete data
CJ Anderson, J Verkuilen, T Johnson
Soc Behav Sci 63, 2010
3. Log-Multiplicative Association Models as Latent Variable Models for Nominal and/or Ordinal Data
CJ Anderson, JK Vermunt
Sociological Methodology 30 (1), 81-121, 2000
Gender differences in science, math, and technology careers: Prestige level and Holland interest type
H Farmer, S Rotella, C Anderson, J Wardrop
Journal of Vocational Behavior 53 (1), 73-96, 1998
How do gender, learning goals, and forum participation predict persistence in a computer science MOOC?
RW Crues, GM Henricks, M Perry, S Bhat, CJ Anderson, N Shaik, ...
ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE) 18 (4), 1-14, 2018
The effects of context on processing words during sentence reading among adults varying in age and literacy skill.
AA Steen-Baker, S Ng, BR Payne, CJ Anderson, KD Federmeier, ...
Psychology and aging 32 (5), 460, 2017
Differences in predictors of cervical and breast cancer screening by screening need in uninsured Latina women
LP Buki, J Jamison, CJ Anderson, AM Cuadra
Cancer 110 (7), 1578-1585, 2007
Estimation of Models in a Rasch Family of Models for Polytomous Items and Multiple Latent Variables
JJK Anderson, Carolyn J., Li, Zhushan, Vermunt
Journal of Statistical Software 20 (6), 2007
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Articles 1–20