Amil Petrin
Amil Petrin
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Estimating production functions using inputs to control for unobservables
J Levinsohn, A Petrin
The review of economic studies 70 (2), 317-341, 2003
Quantifying the benefits of new products: The case of the minivan
A Petrin
Journal of political Economy 110 (4), 705-729, 2002
A control function approach to endogeneity in consumer choice models
A Petrin, K Train
Journal of marketing research 47 (1), 3-13, 2010
Production function estimation in Stata using inputs to control for unobservables
A Petrin, BP Poi, J Levinsohn
The Stata Journal 4 (2), 113-123, 2004
The consumer gains from direct broadcast satellites and the competition with cable TV
A Goolsbee, A Petrin
Econometrica 72 (2), 351-381, 2004
Measuring aggregate productivity growth using plant‐level data
A Petrin, J Levinsohn
The Rand journal of economics 43 (4), 705-725, 2012
Estimating lost output from allocative inefficiency, with an application to Chile and firing costs
A Petrin, J Sivadasan
Review of Economics and Statistics 95 (1), 286-301, 2013
Omitted product attributes in discrete choice models
A Petrin, K Train
National Bureau of economic research, 2003
When industries become more productive, do firms?
JA Levinsohn, A Petrin
National bureau of economic research, 1999
The impact of plant-level resource reallocations and technical progress on US macroeconomic growth
A Petrin, TK White, JP Reiter
Review of Economic Dynamics 14 (1), 3-26, 2011
Structural applications of the discrete choice model
JP Dubé, P Chintagunta, A Petrin, B Bronnenberg, R Goettler, ...
Marketing letters 13, 207-220, 2002
Multi product firms, import competition, and the evolution of firm-product technical efficiencies
E Dhyne, A Petrin, V Smeets, F Warzynski
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2017
Job security does affect economic efficiency: Theory, a new statistic, and evidence from Chile
A Petrin, J Sivadasan
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2006
Imputation in us manufacturing data and its implications for productivity dispersion
TK White, JP Reiter, A Petrin
Review of Economics and Statistics 100 (3), 502-509, 2018
Estimating production functions with control functions when capital is measured with error
K il Kim, A Petrin, S Song
Journal of Econometrics 190 (2), 267-279, 2016
Measuring cross-country differences in misallocation
M Nishida, A Petrin, M Rotemberg, T White
US Census Bureau Center for Economic Studies Paper No. CES-WP-16-50, 2016
Theory for extending single-product production function estimation to multi-product settings
E Dhyne, A Petrin, V Smeets, F Warzynski
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2022
Optimal managed competition subsidies
KS Miller, A Petrin, R Town, M Chernew
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2019
Plant-level productivity and imputation of missing data in us census manufacturing data
TK White, JP Reiter, A Petrin
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2012
Control function corrections for unobserved factors in differentiated product models
K Kim, A Petrin
Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 2010
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