Farid Karimi
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Citée par
General public reactions to carbon capture and storage: Does culture matter?
F Karimi, A Toikka
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 70, 193–201, 2018
Comparative socio-cultural analysis of risk perception of Carbon Capture and Storage in the European Union
F Karimi, A Toikka, JI Hukkinen
Energy Research & Social Science 21, 114-122, 2016
Understanding experts’ views and risk perceptions on carbon capture and storage in three European countries
F Karimi, N Komendantova
GeoJournal 82, 185-200, 2017
The relation between cultural structures and risk perception: How does social acceptance of carbon capture and storage emerge?
F Karimi, A Toikka
Energy Procedia 63, 7087-7095, 2014
CCS potential in Norway – Exploring the role of flagship projects: The Mongstad and Kårstø case studies
F Karimi, A Goulas, MM Barzmehri, M Anggana Putri
International Journal of Sustainable Water and Environmental Systems 4 (1 …, 2012
Timescapes of CCS Projects: Is Deferring Projects and Policies Just Kicking the can Down the Road?
F Karimi
Energy Procedia 114, 7317–7325, 2017
Energy transition in the Baltic Sea Region: Understanding stakeholder engagement and community acceptance
F Karimi, M Rodi
Taylor & Francis, 2022
Stakeholders’ risk perceptions of decarbonised energy system: Insights into patterns of behaviour
F Karimi
Energies 14 (21), 7205, 2021
Energy-Transition Challenges in the Baltic Sea Region: An Overview of Socio-Political and Legal Gaps
F Karimi, M Rodi
From Economic to Energy Transition, 457-487, 2021
Socio-cultural factors in risk perceptions of Carbon Capture and Storage
F Karimi
Helsingin yliopisto, 2017
Better Policies Accelerate Clean Energy Transition
PLF Karimi, K Skytte, C Bergaentzlé
Nordic Energy Research, Denmark, 2018
Better Policies Accelerate Clean Energy Transition- Focus on energy system flexibility
F Karimi, PD Lund, K Skytte, C Bergaentzlé …, 2018
Climate Change and Offshore Wind Energy in the Baltic Sea
XG Larsén, A Rutgersson, F Karimi, B Lange, E Nilsson, T Sīle, ...
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science, 2024
Koldioxidlagring kräver snabba handlingar men långsiktig planering – ”ju tidigare lokalsamhället involveras i processen, desto bättre
U Dahlberg, F Karimi
Åbo Underrättelser, 13, 2023
Socio-political development of CC (U) S in the Baltic Sea region
F Karimi
Baltic Carbon Forum 1, 9-9, 2022
Energy transition in the Baltic Sea Region: Bottom-up activities, stakeholder engagement and social acceptability
F Karimi, M Rodi
Energy Transition in the Baltic Sea Region, 3-16, 2022
Lokal försörjning - från vetenskap till energi och mat
F Karimi
Västra Nyland 141 (95), 20, 2022
Peer Review Report For: Financing conditions of renewable energy projects – results from an EU wide survey
F Karimi
Open Res Europe 1 (136), 2022
War in Ukraine and energy dependency: What Europe needs to do to wean itself off Russian gas
F Karimi …, 2022
The power of the grassroots: The Baltic Sea Region, an energy transition laboratory
F Karimi, M Rodi
Energy Transition in the Baltic Sea Region: Understanding Stakeholder …, 2022
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