Sebastian Lindhorst
Sebastian Lindhorst
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Monsoon-induced partial carbonate platform drowning (Maldives, Indian Ocean)
C Betzler, C Hübscher, S Lindhorst, JJG Reijmer, M Römer, AW Droxler, ...
Geology 37 (10), 867-870, 2009
Sea‐level and ocean‐current control on carbonate‐platform growth, Maldives, Indian Ocean
C Betzler, J Fürstenau, T Lüdmann, C Hübscher, S Lindhorst, A Paul, ...
Basin Research 25 (2), 172-196, 2013
Periplatform drift: the combined result of contour current and off-bank transport along carbonate platforms
C Betzler, S Lindhorst, GP Eberli, T Lüdmann, J Möbius, J Ludwig, ...
Geology 42 (10), 871-874, 2014
The sedimentary architecture of a Holocene barrier spit (Sylt, German Bight): Swash-bar accretion and storm erosion
S Lindhorst, C Betzler, HC Hass
Sedimentary Geology 206 (1-4), 1-16, 2008
Closure of a seaway: stratigraphic record and facies (Guadix basin, Southern Spain)
C Betzler, JC Braga, JM Martín, IM Sanchez-Almazo, S Lindhorst
International Journal of Earth Sciences 95, 903-910, 2006
Giant pockmarks in a carbonate platform (Maldives, Indian Ocean)
C Betzler, S Lindhorst, C Hübscher, T Lüdmann, J Fürstenau, J Reijmer
Marine Geology 289 (1-4), 1-16, 2011
Sedimentary dynamics along carbonate slopes (Bahamas archipelago)
M Wunsch, C Betzler, S Lindhorst, T Lüdmann, GP Eberli
Sedimentology 64 (3), 631-657, 2017
Submerged reef terraces of the Maldives (Indian Ocean)
J Fürstenau, S Lindhorst, C Betzler, C Hübscher
Geo-Marine Letters 30, 511-515, 2010
Anatomy and sedimentary model of a hooked spit (Sylt, southern North Sea)
S Lindhorst, J Fuerstenau, H Christian Hass, C Betzler
Sedimentology 57 (4), 935-955, 2010
OSL dating of mixed coastal sediment (Sylt, German Bight, North Sea)
T Reimann, S Lindhorst, KJ Thomsen, AS Murray, M Frechen
Quaternary Geochronology 11, 52-67, 2012
Carbonate mounds in the Santaren Channel, Bahamas: a current-dominated periplatform depositional regime
T Lüdmann, M Paulat, C Betzler, J Möbius, S Lindhorst, M Wunsch, ...
Marine Geology 376, 69-85, 2016
Distribution and characteristics of marine habitats in a subpolar bay based on hydroacoustics and bed shear stress estimates—Potter Cove, King George Island, Antarctica
AC Wölfl, CH Lim, HC Hass, S Lindhorst, G Tosonotto, KA Lettmann, ...
Geo-Marine Letters 34, 435-446, 2014
A multi-proxy analysis of Late Quaternary ocean and climate variability for the Maldives, Inner Sea
D Bunzel, G Schmiedl, S Lindhorst, A Mackensen, J Reolid, S Romahn, ...
Climate of the Past 13 (12), 1791-1813, 2017
Late Pleistocene and Holocene cool‐water carbonates of the Western Mediterranean Sea
C Betzler, JC Braga, D JARAMILLO‐VOGEL, M Roemer, C Huebscher, ...
Sedimentology 58 (3), 643-669, 2011
Sedimentary dynamics and high-frequency sequence stratigraphy of the southwestern slope of Great Bahama Bank
M Wunsch, C Betzler, GP Eberli, S Lindhorst, T Lüdmann, JJG Reijmer
Sedimentary Geology 363, 96-117, 2018
Polar gravel beach-ridge systems: Sedimentary architecture, genesis, and implications for climate reconstructions (South Shetland Islands/Western Antarctic Peninsula)
S Lindhorst, I Schutter
Geomorphology 221, 187-203, 2014
Comparison of OSL ages from young dune sediments with a high-resolution independent age model
I Costas, T Reimann, S Tsukamoto, J Ludwig, S Lindhorst, M Frechen, ...
Quaternary geochronology 10, 16-23, 2012
The leaking bucket of a Maldives atoll: implications for the understanding of carbonate platform drowning
C Betzler, S Lindhorst, T Lüdmann, B Weiss, M Wunsch, JC Braga
Marine Geology 366, 16-33, 2015
Reef slope geometries and facies distribution: controlling factors (Messinian, SE Spain)
J Reolid, C Betzler, JC Braga, JM Martín, S Lindhorst, JJG Reijmer
Facies 60, 737-753, 2014
Morphometric analysis of plunge pools and sediment wave fields along western Great Bahama Bank
JSD Schnyder, GP Eberli, C Betzler, M Wunsch, S Lindhorst, L Schiebel, ...
Marine Geology 397, 15-28, 2018
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