Tavani Stefano
Tavani Stefano
Università di Napoli Federico II. Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
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A review of deformation pattern templates in foreland basin systems and fold-and-thrust belts: Implications for the state of stress in the frontal regions of thrust wedges
S Tavani, F Storti, O Lacombe, A Corradetti, JA Muñoz, S Mazzoli
Earth-Science Reviews 141, 82-104, 2015
Building a virtual outcrop, extracting geological information from it, and sharing the results in Google Earth via OpenPlot and Photoscan: An example from the Khaviz Anticline …
S Tavani, P Granado, A Corradetti, M Girundo, A Iannace, P Arbués, ...
Computers & Geosciences 63, 44-53, 2014
Supervised identification and reconstruction of near-planar geological surfaces from terrestrial laser scanning
D García-Sellés, O Falivene, P Arbués, O Gratacos, S Tavani, JA Munoz
Computers & Geosciences 37 (10), 1584-1594, 2011
Smartphone assisted fieldwork: Towards the digital transition of geoscience fieldwork using LiDAR-equipped iPhones
S Tavani, A Billi, A Corradetti, M Mercuri, A Bosman, M Cuffaro, T Seers, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 227, 103969, 2022
Distribution and arrest of vertical through-going joints in a seismic-scale carbonate platform exposure (Sorrento peninsula, Italy): insights from integrating field survey and …
A Corradetti, S Tavani, M Parente, A Iannace, F Vinci, C Pirmez, S Torrieri, ...
Journal of Structural Geology 108, 121-136, 2018
3-D deformation pattern analysis and evolution of the Añisclo anticline, southern Pyrenees
S Tavani, F Storti, O Fernández, JA Muñoz, F Salvini
Journal of structural geology 28 (4), 695-712, 2006
Stratigraphic versus structural control on the deformation pattern associated with the evolution of the Mt. Catria anticline, Italy
S Tavani, F Storti, F Salvini, C Toscano
Journal of Structural Geology 30 (5), 664-681, 2008
The fracture pattern of the Sant Corneli Bóixols oblique inversion anticline (Spanish Pyrenees)
S Tavani, J Mencos, J Bausà, JA Muñoz
Journal of Structural Geology 33 (11), 1662-1680, 2011
High precision analysis of an embryonic extensional fault-related fold using 3D orthorectified virtual outcrops: The viewpoint importance in structural geology
S Tavani, A Corradetti, A Billi
Journal of Structural Geology 86, 200-210, 2016
The Iberia-Eurasia plate boundary east of the Pyrenees
S Tavani, C Bertok, P Granado, F Piana, R Salas, B Vigna, JA Muñoz
Earth-Science Reviews 187, 314-337, 2018
Cenozoic right-lateral wrench tectonics in the Western Pyrenees (Spain): the Ubierna Fault System
S Tavani, A Quintà, P Granado
Tectonophysics 509 (3-4), 238-253, 2011
3D Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) models of damage zone fluid corridors within a reservoir-scale normal fault in carbonates: multiscale approach using field data and UAV imagery
L Smeraglia, M Mercuri, S Tavani, A Pignalosa, M Kettermann, A Billi, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 126, 104902, 2021
The seismogenic fault system of the 2017 Mw 7.3 Iran–Iraq earthquake: constraints from surface and subsurface data, cross-section balancing, and restoration
S Tavani, M Parente, F Puzone, A Corradetti, G Gharabeigli, M Valinejad, ...
Solid Earth 9 (3), 821-831, 2018
The foreland deformation in the south-western Basque–Cantabrian Belt (Spain)
A Quintà, S Tavani
Tectonophysics, 2012
Open Plot Project: an open-source toolkit for 3-D structural data analysis
S Tavani, P Arbues, M Snidero, N Carrera, JA Muñoz
Solid Earth 2 (1), 53-63, 2011
Rift inheritance controls the switch from thin-to thick-skinned thrusting and basal décollement re-localization at the subduction-to-collision transition
S Tavani, P Granado, A Corradetti, G Camanni, G Vignaroli, G Manatschal, ...
GSA Bulletin 133 (9-10), 2157-2170, 2021
Double-edge fault-propagation folding: geometry and kinematics
S Tavani, F Storti, F Salvini
Journal of structural geology 28 (1), 19-35, 2006
Early Jurassic rifting of the Arabian passive continental margin of the Neo‐Tethys. Field evidence from the Lurestan region of the Zagros fold‐and‐thrust belt, Iran
S Tavani, M Parente, S Vitale, A Iannace, A Corradetti, C Bottini, ...
Tectonics 37 (8), 2586-2607, 2018
Structural, stratigraphic, and petrological clues for a Cretaceous–Paleogene abortive rift in the southern Adria domain (southern Apennines, Italy)
S Vitale, OF Amore, S Ciarcia, L Fedele, C Grifa, EP Prinzi, S Tavani, ...
Geological Journal 53 (2), 660-681, 2018
Transpressive inversion of a Mesozoic extensional forced fold system with an intermediate décollement level in the Basque‐Cantabrian Basin (Spain).
T Stefano, C Eloi, G Pablo, Q Anna, MJ Anton
Tectonics, 2013
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Articles 1–20