David Weese
David Weese
D4L data4life gGmbH
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Cited by
Cited by
Assessment of transcript reconstruction methods for RNA-seq
T Steijger, JF Abril, PG Engström, F Kokocinski, TJ Hubbard, R Guigó, ...
Nature methods 10 (12), 1177-1184, 2013
SeqAn an efficient, generic C++ library for sequence analysis
A Döring, D Weese, T Rausch, K Reinert
BMC bioinformatics 9, 1-9, 2008
RazerS—fast read mapping with sensitivity control
D Weese, AK Emde, T Rausch, A Döring, K Reinert
Genome research 19 (9), 1646-1654, 2009
RazerS 3: faster, fully sensitive read mapping
D Weese, M Holtgrewe, K Reinert
Bioinformatics 28 (20), 2592-2599, 2012
Alignment of next-generation sequencing reads
K Reinert, B Langmead, D Weese, DJ Evers
Annual review of genomics and human genetics 16 (1), 133-151, 2015
The SeqAn C++ template library for efficient sequence analysis: A resource for programmers
K Reinert, TH Dadi, M Ehrhardt, H Hauswedell, S Mehringer, R Rahn, ...
Journal of biotechnology 261, 157-168, 2017
Fast and accurate read mapping with approximate seeds and multiple backtracking
E Siragusa, D Weese, K Reinert
Nucleic acids research 41 (7), e78-e78, 2013
A novel and well-defined benchmarking method for second generation read mapping
M Holtgrewe, AK Emde, D Weese, K Reinert
BMC bioinformatics 12, 1-10, 2011
Fiona: a parallel and automatic strategy for read error correction
MH Schulz, D Weese, M Holtgrewe, V Dimitrova, S Niu, K Reinert, ...
Bioinformatics 30 (17), i356-i363, 2014
Segment-based multiple sequence alignment
T Rausch, AK Emde, D Weese, A Döring, C Notredame, K Reinert
Bioinformatics 24 (16), i187-i192, 2008
Detecting genomic indel variants with exact breakpoints in single-and paired-end sequencing data using SplazerS
AK Emde, MH Schulz, D Weese, R Sun, M Vingron, VM Kalscheuer, ...
Bioinformatics 28 (5), 619-627, 2012
CIDANE: comprehensive isoform discovery and abundance estimation
S Canzar, S Andreotti, D Weese, K Reinert, GW Klau
Genome biology 17, 1-18, 2016
A consistency-based consensus algorithm for de novo and reference-guided sequence assembly of short reads
T Rausch, S Koren, G Denisov, D Weese, AK Emde, A Döring, K Reinert
Bioinformatics 25 (9), 1118-1124, 2009
MicroRazerS: rapid alignment of small RNA reads
AK Emde, M Grunert, D Weese, K Reinert, SR Sperling
Bioinformatics 26 (1), 123-124, 2010
Journaled string tree—a scalable data structure for analyzing thousands of similar genomes on your laptop
R Rahn, D Weese, K Reinert
Bioinformatics 30 (24), 3499-3505, 2014
STELLAR: fast and exact local alignments
B Kehr, D Weese, K Reinert
BMC bioinformatics 12, 1-12, 2011
Fast and adaptive variable order Markov chain construction
MH Schulz, D Weese, T Rausch, A Döring, K Reinert, M Vingron
Algorithms in Bioinformatics: 8th International Workshop, WABI 2008 …, 2008
Efficient string mining under constraints via the deferred frequency index
D Weese, MH Schulz
Industrial Conference on Data Mining, 374-388, 2008
Model-based image processing using snakes and mutual information
S von Klinski, C Derz, D Weese, T Tolxdorff
Medical Imaging 2000: Image Processing 3979, 1053-1064, 2000
Entwurf und Implementierung eines generischen Substring-Index
D Weese
Humboldt University of Berlin, 2006
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Articles 1–20